
How To Improve Aura?

How To Improve Aura?

Aura is an energy field of any living or non-living being, which puts an effect on everything which comes in the contact with it. There are times when we instantly like people we meet and at times we do not like some people fro no apparent reason. This all happens due to aura color vibrations. […]

Kirlian Technology

Kirlian Technology is the only way to register our Aura vibrations at present. It was in the 19th century that Nikola Tesla observed that our body illuminates in certain conditions. The name of the technology is coined after the name of Kirlian couple from Russia who recorded these images of body glow in the year […]

Numerology and Personality Traits

Destiny or Expression number and life path number shows one’s overall path in life and where one belongs in this world. Life path number tells more about one’s goal in life and destiny number reveals more about one’s personality traits. After calculating the expression number, one can find out about one’s or anyone’s traits, which […]

Life Path Periods

Life path periods is in addition to life path numbers. Life path number or birth number remains the same in the  numerological life path chart.  Information about life path period can be used to refine our knowledge about the life path. There are three life path periods everyone experiences in their life span. Calculating Life […]

Earth Hand

Earth Hand

People who have Earth Hands, they have a square shaped palm which is usually accompanied by short digits. It is also known as the “Square Hand”. The lines which are marked on the palm are usually few in number, and they normally arches at the finger tips. As the name Earth Hands, it represents the […]