Christmas is one of the most awaited festivals of the year. We will in this article discuss some of the facts about Christmas for the readers to understand the history and the essence of the festival even better. We hope that you will find this article on Facts about Christmas interesting and a good read. These are some facts about the Christmas that you may not have known.
- The first facts about Christmas are that the festivities are so grand that it can be seen from the space stations in the outer space too. The fireworks and the lights of Christmas can actually be spotted by the satellites all across the globe.
- The Christmas is one festival that is celebrated almost all the countries of the world. It is a day which is holiday for most of the parts of the world. As a result the Christmas can also be considered to be the most celebrated festivals in the world. No matter what is the religion of a person every one celebrates the Christmas as it is indeed the festival of joy for everyone.
- The second facts about Christmas that you may not know is that in Spanish if you translate the word Christmas it will mean “more Chris”.
- The best selling Christmas album is 98 degrees this Christmas. It is still as popular as it was years back. This is indeed an interesting fact about the Christmas.
- The Santa Clause lives in the North Pole as the magnetic pull of earth is more there. This is what the popular belief is.
- Another interesting fact about Christmas is that no sitting president in the white house has celebrated Christmas by sacrificing a lamb in the white house lawn. The first American president who decorated a Christmas tree in the White house was Franklin Pierce. Since then every year the Christmas is celebrated in the White house and the Christmas tree is decorated in a grand manner.
- The Christmas is the most popular family holiday time in North Korea. This is quite surprising indeed.
- There are only two people on earth who hold the launch code for Christmas is another interesting fact about Christmas that you may not have known.
- Santa Clause who comes with gifts for all the children himself does not have any children of his own. He has a wife who is called Mrs. Santa Clause. In some places you will see both of them together. Mrs. Santa Clause is not much known as she does not come along with her husband and prefers to stay in the North Pole
- The Christmas was cancelled during the Cuban missile crisis. This was the only time the festivities were cancelled after it went public.
- Santa Clause has ten reindeers that pull his sleigh across the world. The names are Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner or Donder, Biltzen and Rudoph. However, in some cases you may see more than ten reindeers but they are fictional.
- The word “Christmas” is the most searched key word in Google during the month of December. This is quite interesting fact too.
- A very unique fact about Christmas is that in Nebraska it is illegal to run over someone and drive away on the eve of Christmas.
- Even today letters are sent to the North Pole so that Santa can read them and bring the gifts. Santa also has a home in Edinburg that is called the “toy land” or “the snow land”.
- White Christmas in England means when one snow flake falls on the roof of the London weather centre on the 25th of December. This happened last time on 2004. You can also say that when there is a snow fall in Christmas it is called “White Christmas”.
- The Christmas turkey is also called Jesuite as it was imported from France.
- Some people say that the breads baked on the eve of Christmas can never go mouldy. Don’t know how far this can be true.
- The Christmas pudding was first made from thick soups, raisins and wine. It was one of the original delicacies that were prepared in Christmas.
- The Christmas pudding originated from a Celtic dish that was called frumenty.
- It was in the beginning of the 19th century that the first Christmas cake was cut. Before this cutting a cake before dawn on Christmas Eve was considered unlucky for the households. This is indeed a very interesting fact about Christmas.
- You must be surprised to know that in some parts of England cutting a mince pie on Christmas with a knife is considered very unlucky. You can have a mince pie every day between the Christmas Eve and the twelfth night for good luck. Maybe you can try this and see if it gets you any good luck.
- The 25th December was first celebrated as the birthday of Jesus Christ in the year AD 440. It was celebrated for the first time in Rome.
- It was in 1957 that the first speech of the queen was shown on television in the Christmas Eve. Since then every year the speech is telecasted and people across the nation watch the same.
- The person who invented the Christmas crackers was called Thomas Smith. These were not very popular initially but slowly they became very popular across the world. Today Christmas crackers are an integral part of the Christmas celebrations all across the globe.
- You will be amazed that about thirty four to thirty six million Christmas trees are produced a year across the world to meet the demand of the Christmas season. The number is only increasing as more and more people opt for the Christmas tree to decorate the homes.
- Thomas Edison was the first one to make lights public. His assistant Edward Johnson was the first person who came up with the idea of Christmas lights. In 1882 he came up with the idea which became a huge hit and in few years the Christmas lights were made available to the public.
- It was in 1895 that a gentleman named Ralph Morris invented the string of Christmas lights. He used telephone wires for this purpose and it was quite similar to the wires that you can see on the Christmas tress today.
- In the year 1647 celebrating Christmas was banned. This was done by the Puritan leader named Oliver Cornwell. He said that feasting on a holy day like Christmas was immoral. He would punish anyone who was found celebrating the Christmas. He lost power in 1660 and after that celebrating Christmas was allowed again.
- It was in 1843 that the first Christmas card was created. It was prepared under the instructions of English men named Sir Henry Cole and J.C. Horsley. They sold about one thousand copies of these cards. The tradition continued and today millions of Christmas cards are sold and bought across the world.
- In the Victorian England the postmen were called Robins as they were dressed in red. The Xmas cards showed a robin delivering a Xmas mail. It was very well made and very popular those days.
- The first Christmas stamp was released in 1898 this was in Canada.
- The Christmas carols were introduced in the church service by St Francis of Assisi.
- There is an interesting fact about Christmas carols. The world comes from choros that means dancing in a row in Greek. In French carol means singing in a group.
- The first instrument in which the song “silent night” was played was a guitar. This was because the church instruments were very badly rusted. This is strange as guitars were not used in churches for service.
- You must have heard the song “jingle bell” a lot of times. It was composed in 1857 by James Pierpont. This song was originally called the “one horse open sleigh” and more interesting is the fact that the song was actually written for thanksgiving and not for Christmas. This is quite an interesting fact about Christmas.
- It was on the twelfth night that the figure of the three kings was added to the Christmas Crib. This is why in Germany the twelfth night is also called the three king’s day. There are traditionally 12 gifts for the 12 days of Christmas. These are in the order as a partridge in a pear tree, two turtledoves, three French hens, four calling birds, five gold rings, six geese lying, seven swans swimming, eight maids milking, nine ladies dancing, ten lords leaping, eleven pipers piping and twelve drummers drumming. This is a fact about Christmas that you must not know. There are many such gifts listed for the 364 days of the year.
- The poem “night before Christmas” was written by Clement Moore for his children and some guests. It was sent to the New York newspaper for publishing by some anonymous person. It was originally known as “a visit from saint Nicholas”
- Christkindl is child Christ in Germany. He wears a white coloured night gown and has wings. He is accompanied by a donkey or a horse. In Germany instead of hanging stockings children polish their boots and place them on the window of the Santa to place gifts in them.
- Poinsettia which is also known as the flower of the holy night was first brought into America in 1829 by Joel Poinsett. It is the traditional Christmas flower that is still used in America.
- Another fact about Christmas is that before heading to the North Pole Santa clause places his sleigh on a goat named Ukko. This is a popular story in Finland and the people of Finland still make an Ukko out of straw which is considered so strong that it can carry Santa Clause too.
- Santa clause is accompanied by his servant Black who is responsible for distributing gifts on the Christmas Eve.
- The day after Christmas that is 26th December is called the Boxing day. It is the day of Saint Stephen. The name also comes from the fact that the servants of the rich would box up all that was left after the Christmas celebrations and brings them home.
- There is a town in Indiana that is called Santa Clause. Not sure how it got the name though.
- The official national Christmas tree of the United States is located in the King’s Canyon national park of California. The tree is also called the general Grant tree. It is over 90 meters (300 feet high) and it was made the official Christmas tree in the year 1925. The tradition has continued over the all these years.
- It was in 1990 that artificial Christmas trees were introduced in the market. Since then these artificial trees have outsold the real Christmas trees. Today very few people use the original Christmas tree as they are more expensive and also cutting trees damage the environment. It is also easy to store the artificial Christmas trees.
- St Nicholas was a Bishop in Turkey. He lived in the early 4th century. The Dutch made him the official Christmas gift distributors. It was the Dutch who got the concept to America and St Nicholas was given the name of Santa Clause as we know him today.
We hope that you enjoyed reading the article on facts about Christmas. These are some of the facts that we could possibly think of. We hope that these will help you to understand the facts about Christmas a little more. The Christmas has a unique way of celebration in many countries. There are perhaps many more facts about the Christmas that we could not cover in this one article. We wish all the readers a very happy Christmas and hope you all will have a great time this Christmas.