By Sudipta Ray on January 17, 2018
post hypnosis
Prophetic Visions
We will continue with the topic of hypnosis in this article. We have already mentioned in our previous article how people can be influenced by hypnosis and how the impact of hypnosis stays even in the post hypnosis state. We will give some more examples now to prove how hypnosis can be taken to a […]
By Ankush Dogra on February 1, 2012
Losing the Soul
Miscellaneous, Prophetic Visions

Losing the soul is quite easily mistaken by the modern person to be associated with business or just inability to maintain a stable or controlled mental functionality. “The soul” has in the modern world lost its aesthetic meaning and transformed to be understood and be used more as a phrase. For the metaphysics believer the […]
By Ankush Dogra on November 28, 2011
Clairvoyance, Clairvoyance Abilities
Miscellaneous, Prophetic Visions

Before one is able to control or use his clairvoyance abilities the person must be able to understand what the term clairvoyance. Clairvoyance abilities are possessed by most human being but as time has passed most of us have lost the ability to control the power thus gradually losing it. Clairvoyance can simply be termed […]