By Jaswinder Singh on March 22, 2016
carl sagan, news, Vedas

The beginning of the Universe has been a mystery that has baffled scientists and thinkers alike. Even though there have been theories of the creation in the ancient texts, most scientists are skeptical of accepting them on the face value. However there are scientists who have managed to explore some underlying links between ancient science […]
By Meetu Verma Nayyar on January 12, 2015
face your fears, hinduism, Swami Vivekananda, vedantic philosophy, Vedas
Saints & Deities, Spirituality

12th of January is the birthday of a great man, Swami Vivekananda. A saint above par, he undertook various efforts for reviving Hinduism. He became interested in spirituality at a very young age. Read along for an interesting incident from the Swami’s life.
By Pt Ram Dhiraj Mishra on October 20, 2013
Ancient Indian Text, Vedas, Vishnu Purana
Featured, Metaphysical Books, Miscellaneous

You must have surely heard about Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh as being the symbolic representations of trinity of nature but do you know about Vishnu Purana.
By Sudipta Ray on May 29, 2013
Surya dev, Vedas
Astrology, Featured, Miscellaneous

Surya is the Sun God. He is also known as the mitra or the friend. He has been given huge importance in the Vedas. Surya is the head of all the planets. He has immense powers. The life on earth is controlled by the Surya. If Surya is unhappy it can be very dangerous for […]
By Sudipta Ray on February 8, 2013
Indian culture, Vedas, women power
Customs/Traditions, Miscellaneous

In this article about Vedas and women, we will take a look at the attitude and perspective that society and religion had towards the feminine gender centuries ago. Normally it is assumed that women have been always oppressed in the past as they are physically weaker gender. Though this might be true of past few […]
By Vedantacharya Bhatt on October 3, 2012
Avatar, Bhagavad Gita, Krishna, Mahabharata, Purana, Rama, Ramayana, Upanishads, Vedas, Vishnu

Hinduism is considered to be one of the oldest religions in the world. It is one of those very few religions that has survived the winds of change and is sttheyill followed. The people who follow this religion are called Hindus. This is the only religion on earth where there is no ways to convert. […]
By usha on August 27, 2011
astrology, Vedas
Vedic astrology, also known as Jyotish, is a part of ancient Vedic culture. It is the knowledge of Vedas and which works on the position of planets at the time of individual’s birth. If someone knows the exact time and place of his birth, vedic astrology is able to predict his future almost accurately. Vedic […]