By Jaswinder Singh on March 1, 2018
happy holi

Holi is the festival of colours when our life gets filled with colours so vivid and bright It is the time when you should shun all laziness, all bad habits and let there be light It is good to play hard on this day, to celebrate by throwing colours and water on each other […]
By Jaswinder Singh on January 30, 2018
blood moon, news

Today as we enter the last day of January 2018, get prepared to see a lunar eclipse which will be seen after a long gap of 32 years, while it will be seen in the United States after one and half century or 152 years. This will be a unique event which will be a […]
By Jaswinder Singh on October 6, 2017
karwa chauth

It is a tradition which has been followed in our land since the ages There are several reason behind it, so sages the holy texts and sages Nowhere in the world, there is such a tradition meant to be so pure Even though modernity has polluted us, but not all thats for sure The customs […]
By Jaswinder Singh on September 1, 2017
By Jaswinder Singh on November 26, 2016
Iron Will Personified: Fidel Castro

Leaders are many, very powerful and full of might Yet only a few shine like a burning sun so bright He was a personification of determination and iron will What he achieved was none less than a climb up a steep hill Fighting literally all alone with the powers that be in this Earth […]
By Jaswinder Singh on May 5, 2016
lord vishnu, news
News and Updates

The problem with religion is that most of the times facts are so mixed up with fantasy that the learned people usually throw away the baby with the dirty bathwater. I am referring to the stories given in the ancient texts, which are symbolic in nature at many places. So the skeptical people do not […]
By Jaswinder Singh on May 4, 2016
The Only Unattended Ceremony

We attend hundreds and thousands of ceremonies in life Whether it is happy or even if it is an occasion for strife It is considered a pious deed to perform any such chore For no one knows what all happiness and sorrow is in store Yet there is just one ceremony, one truth, which we […]
By Jaswinder Singh on April 13, 2016
buddha, Jesus, news

We have already talked about the missing years of Jesus Christ, and the various theories that have been put forth over time describing Him as a reincarnation of several prophets from other faiths. Like there was an article stating about the theory of Christ being an incarnation of Krishna. Today we will talk about another […]
By Jaswinder Singh on April 13, 2016
hard work, willpower
News and Updates

This week we are celebrating Navratris which is the symbol of feminine divinity and empowerment. There are innumerable stories which hold testimony to the fact that females have immense strength, courage and the potential to deal with any situation of life, equally like their male counterparts. However it must also be noted that talking from […]
By Jaswinder Singh on April 8, 2016

Navratris come twice a year and the first Navratris of 2016 started today 8th April 2016. Given below is the date of each Navratri and the deity which is worshipped on that day.