About this Book: The sole copyrights of this book are with Cosmic Rhythm, Satya Sai Apartments, 10/2, South Tukoganj, Indore 452001. Metaphysics Knowledge does not claim any originality for this book but it has been put here solely on behalf of the original publishers. We do not intend to distribute this book for any monetary […]
Festivals are a great way to add spice to our life and also to keep connected with our heritage and culture. You can find the list of important Indian festival dates in the next few decades like 2015, 2016….till 2050.
We all know valentine’s day as a day when mostly lovers exchange roses and propose to each other, which is not a bad thing but in all this we tend to overlook the history behind this day and how it is related to a person named Valentinus. The Christian Connection The story of this day […]
It is human nature to worry. We worry about things that we have control on but most of the time we land up worrying about things that are out of our control. It is true that worrying is a part of human nature and we cannot do away with it. However, if you worry a […]
Is healing possible with Prayers? This is a question which may not find a huge number of supporters in the materialistic world of today. Still there are examples and testimonies that the healing power of Prayers did work when everything else failed. Prayers vs Medication We probably have heard it many a times that in […]
Anger is the worst enemy of a person. It is a wind that blows the candle of wisdom. A person who can control anger is always considered to be mentally stronger. Many of us get irritated easily and lose our temper so dealing with anger problems and following anger management via meditation is an excellent […]
Just relax if the title create anxiety in your mind for here we are not talking about any black magic or anything like that but this is more of an idea for kids Halloween party or you can do it even otherwise do such parties anytime like say even Xmas is approaching, so let us […]
In hypnotism the mind is divided into three parts, namely the inner mind, the outer mind and the intellect. Today let us find out how these three parts interrelate and interact with each other and how to use them for hypnotic purposes. Please note that in different systems such as say Yoga, you might come […]
In the field of hypnotic science and hypnotherapy, suggestion plays the most important role. It is through hypnotic suggestion that one achieves hypnotic control and the ‘subject’ is experimented upon as the practitioner desires. Hypnotherapy and Science Man is an intellectual being and has reached quite high in the field of science largely through intelligence. […]