Spiritual Travel In India – Dakshineswar

Spiritual Travel In India – Dakshineswar

Perhaps it will not be wrong to say that this temple does represent the city of Joy. Located in the North of Calcutta the Dakhineshwar kali temple symbolises the city of joy and all its shades. Apart from being an integral part of the Bengali culture it is also a place of immense religious significance. […]

Spiritual Travel In India – Tirupati

Spiritual Travel In India – Tirupati

The Spiritual travel in India will be incomplete without the mention of Tirupati. The temple is located in the south of India. It is the temple of Lord Venkateshwara. It is located in the Chittor district of Andhra Pradesh. It is very well connected to many major cities. This shows the importance of the temple. […]

Spiritual Travel In India – Dwarka

Spiritual Travel In India – Dwarka

India is a land of spirituality. There are many regions in India that are known all over the world for their religious and spiritual significance. People from all over the world come for spiritual travel in India and visit these places to experience peace of mind. Today we will discuss about one such divine spiritual […]

Old Testament Characters

Old Testament Characters

Old Testament is the collection of religious writings from ancient Israel. It forms a major part of the Bible. The holy book of the Christians is what Bible is. The Old Testament was written in Hebrew. There is also a new testament that basically deals with first century Christianity. We will now discuss about one […]

Vastu vs. Feng Shui

Vastu vs. Feng Shui

Vastu and Feng Shui are both science that tell us how our houses should be made. They help us to improve the energy level of the house and make it possible for us to live a better life. Although there are many similarities there are differences too. As we have told time and again that […]

The Mount of Jupiter

The Mount of Jupiter

Jupiter is a very important planet that rules our life and destination. In the figure enclosed the red mark indicates the mount of Jupiter. The mount is a very important mount. It signifies many qualities of the person. If the mount is well developed then the person will have divine qualities. They believe in justice, […]