By Sudipta Ray on July 10, 2012
aura purification, space purification

Aura is an invisible energy field that surrounds our body. It cannot be seen but it is present and it makes a huge difference in our life and how we deal with our lives. It is also considered as the spiritual autograph of ours. However, it is believed that it keeps changing from time to time and place to […]
By Sudipta Ray on July 6, 2012
type of Aura, vibration

Aura is an energy that surrounds us. It is also called or known as the vibration of the body it belongs to. It cannot be seen and thus many believe that it does not even exist. However that is not true. It does exist and we all have an aura of our own. It may be positive, negative, […]
By Sudipta Ray on June 28, 2012
numbers game, numerology

Sounds interesting, but it is indeed a fact that numbers do rule our worlds. There are many facts that can be associated with the number that our day of birth totals to. Each alphabet in our name also signifies a number. If this is summed up the number that we get will be our name number. Now we are […]
By Sudipta Ray on November 16, 2011
free dream analysis online
Dream Analysis, Miscellaneous

Today free dream analysis online has become a craze that many web surface resort to find solutions to puzzling dreams they may have encounter during their sleep. The internet has been chosen by many surfers since it offers many free services that would be charged for if one was to visit a dream analyst. It […]
By Sudipta Ray on July 30, 2011
numerology, Numerology and Personality Traits, personality traits
Miscellaneous, Numerology
Destiny or Expression number and life path number shows one’s overall path in life and where one belongs in this world. Life path number tells more about one’s goal in life and destiny number reveals more about one’s personality traits. After calculating the expression number, one can find out about one’s or anyone’s traits, which […]