
The Significance Of Muharram

The Significance Of Muharram

21st September 2018 is being celebrated as Muharram across the world. We dedicate this article to explain to the readers the significance of this festival. Muharram is the name of the first month of the Islamic year. In Islam four months are considered to be the most sacred and Muharram is one of these months. […]

Happy Friendship Day

The first Sunday in the month of August is celebrated as friendship day. A day that is dedicated to friends and friendship. Unlike other relationships friendship is one that we get to choose and we do not get it by birth. We make our friends and friends to a great extent make us what we […]

Father’s Day: History & Significance

Father’s Day: History & Significance

17th June is going to be celebrated as father’s day across the world. We in this article will try to understand why this day is celebrated and how. The first father’s day service was held at the Williams Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church South in West Virginia. If the records are right the exact date for […]

Happy Eid

Happy Eid

Metaphysics Knowledge wishes all our Muslim brethren across the world A Very Happy Eid *********************************************************** It is one of the greatest festival which is celebrated on this Earth With so many followers of Islam this is symbol of a pious faith birth We wish you a very happy Eid, may Allah shower blessings on you […]