By Sudipta Ray on October 10, 2018
dandiya, garba, Navratris

We in this article will try to understand why and how Dandiya is performed during Navratri. Navratri is the festival of nine nights when goddess Durga is worshipped in different parts of the country. India is a land where different cultures come together. Dandiya is a part of the culture of Gujrat and Rajastan, primarily […]
By Sudipta Ray on October 2, 2018
Gandhi, Mahatma, Tagore

There are many famous legends and personalities that were born in India and who have made indelible marks in world history, politics and literature. When we talk about the best minds that were born in India there are two names that will have to make it to this list no matter what and the names […]
By Sudipta Ray on September 21, 2018

21st September 2018 is being celebrated as Muharram across the world. We dedicate this article to explain to the readers the significance of this festival. Muharram is the name of the first month of the Islamic year. In Islam four months are considered to be the most sacred and Muharram is one of these months. […]
By Sudipta Ray on September 13, 2018

Today is 13th September 2018 it is celebrated all across the country as Ganesha Chaturthi. It is the day the lord is worshiped in almost every Hindu house of the country. Lord Ganesha is the son of Lord Shiva and goddess Parvati. He is the most important lord in Hinduism. It is a custom to […]
By Sudipta Ray on August 19, 2018
create damage, grandmothers, traditions

Nazar is a very traditional concept. It is like someone who not a well wisher is trying to create damage. Literally speaking the word nazar means eye. The story goes like this that there is a Deity known as Lord Shani. It was said that whenever he would visit any place the place would destroy. […]
By Sudipta Ray on August 14, 2018
15 August, I-Day, India

India is one of the largest democracies in the world. India celebrates its Independence Day on 15th August. We will try to discuss some very interesting facts about India’s Independence Day in this article. India got freedom from British rule on this day. It was an impossible dream come true that was achieved by walking […]
By Sudipta Ray on August 5, 2018
friendship day
The first Sunday in the month of August is celebrated as friendship day. A day that is dedicated to friends and friendship. Unlike other relationships friendship is one that we get to choose and we do not get it by birth. We make our friends and friends to a great extent make us what we […]
By Sudipta Ray on July 27, 2018
blood moon, lunar eclipse

Today is 27th July 2018; it is a day of lunar eclipse. Lunar eclipse is a natural phenomenon that has been fascinating man for ages. During lunar eclipse the Sun comes between Earth and the moon as a result the Moon is hidden. It seems like a black cover has come over the Moon. In […]
By Sudipta Ray on June 16, 2018
Father's day

17th June is going to be celebrated as father’s day across the world. We in this article will try to understand why this day is celebrated and how. The first father’s day service was held at the Williams Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church South in West Virginia. If the records are right the exact date for […]
By Butler Usha on June 16, 2018
Happy Eid

Metaphysics Knowledge wishes all our Muslim brethren across the world A Very Happy Eid *********************************************************** It is one of the greatest festival which is celebrated on this Earth With so many followers of Islam this is symbol of a pious faith birth We wish you a very happy Eid, may Allah shower blessings on you […]