By nishichawla on September 9, 2016
Christ, Christianity

When I see people yearning to fulfill even their basic need When I see a small child with nowhere to live, noone to feed When there is a wife not having money to treat her hubby When people are starving on the street, thinned not chubby My soul cries out the Lord, where is the […]
By Sudipta Ray on August 6, 2016
Christianity, Jesus Christ

In the biography of Jesus as mentioned in the Gospels there is a strange gap of 18 years. No one exactly knows what happened in the life of Jesus Christ in these 18 years. There are many interesting theories and stories that have been mentioned by experts from all parts of the world. We will […]
By Vedantacharya Bhatt on May 10, 2014
Christianity, hindu, Islam, Jain, SIkh

People normally fight in the name of religion but on the contrary all religions share the same message of peace, love, hope and friendliness. Share this message as far as you can if you are a true follower of your own religion and faith Let us learn some basics of the true religion Let us […]
By Pareesh Goyenka on January 15, 2013
Christianity, church and religions institutes, duties and responsibilities, head priest, Role Of Father In Christianity
Miscellaneous, Saints & Deities

Christianity is an ancient religion and like all other religions it too has a practice of its own. The priest in Christianity is called the father. Let us learn about the role of father in Christianity. The father is present in all the church and religions institutes. Even catholic schools and colleges have a father […]