By Sudipta Ray on July 28, 2018
hindu, rape

In India many cases are reported everyday of women being raped and harassed. The obvious question that comes to our mind is that perhaps men in India are not taught to respect women and it has been a tradition to force themselves on women. In this article we will try to understand if rape culture […]
By Sudipta Ray on September 20, 2016
hindu, Jesus Christ

Previously we were trying to discuss how 18 years in the life of Jesus Christ are missing in a mysterious manner. Many people have different theories on where Jesus could have spent these 18 years. Now we will discuss how and why some experts believe that Jesus spent these 18 years of his life in India learning […]
By nishichawla on August 1, 2016

Ancient Persians named composite India where river Sindhu flows as Hindu nation and it’s people as Hindus (because they use vowel ‘Ha’ instead of ‘Sa’) and the nomenclature ‘India’ is the derivation from Indus, the other name by which river Sindhu was known to the Westerners. Puraanas refer to this country as Bharatha Khanda, Bharathavarsha […]
By Vedantacharya Bhatt on May 10, 2014
Christianity, hindu, Islam, Jain, SIkh

People normally fight in the name of religion but on the contrary all religions share the same message of peace, love, hope and friendliness. Share this message as far as you can if you are a true follower of your own religion and faith Let us learn some basics of the true religion Let us […]