People normally fight in the name of religion but on the contrary all religions share the same message of peace, love, hope and friendliness. Share this message as far as you can if you are a true follower of your own religion and faith
Let us learn some basics of the true religion
Let us have some true faith and a broad mind and vision
People who are narrow minded find bad things in other prophets
They seem to be stuck in their own beliefs, rosaries or lockets
Yet if you rise above the narrow minded mentality and have higher perspective
You will find that the goal of all religions is same and they have similar objective
That is to unite all mankind and teach them some lessons of love and compassion
Religion is to be adopted as a way of life, not as a valueless or ornamental fashion
For within the depths of mind do true Prayers always take form
They have the power to help endure even the roughest storm
For if we keep quarrelling and fighting over matters so petty
We will be like a wrecked ship always wandering never reaching the jetty
Hope the light within you sometimes make you realize
All religions are same irrespective of number of followers of size
For religion is a way of life and not something to be practiced as lifeless routine
As doing so will take away the true meaning and it will lose all its sheen
Only when you realize that you have within yourself the power to change
That the message we want to spread will go beyond the limited range
For whenever one says I am Muslim, Sikh, Christian, Hindu or Jain
It makes a line which divides and makes a line which limits you even if you can
It is nothing wrong to belong to any religion of the world so vast
But to respect other religions and have equal faith will certainly long last
So what are you waiting for, just make a resolve today with all your might
That you will not get into any religious hatred, never in the name of religion will fight
Just spread this message of unity and love as far as you can
For then only you will be a real follower of any religion, I tell you o man
Apart from that you can also read this post titled – Spiritual But Not Religious – which spells the difference between being religious and true spiritualism.