
The Lost Charm of Wonderland

The Lost Charm of Wonderland

As a child I would spend a lot of time looking at the night sky. Sometime I would count the stars and sometime look for a shooting star. Even a beautiful moon would mystify me. The kids today are not that wonderstruck any more. Someday back I went to a birthday party where a magic […]

Doctor Assisted Suicide: The Spiritual Perspective

Doctor Assisted Suicide: The Spiritual Perspective

In this post we are going to discuss about the recent regulations in Canada which have made doctor assisted suicide legal, though strict conditions apply to who can opt for such extreme choice. Of  course this is not the first country to make such law but it exists in few other countries as well. So […]

Riot Has No Religion or Caste

Riot Has No Religion or Caste

The shop of this widow lady who has 2 girl kids to take care of, was burnt during the recent riots in Jaat reservation case. It is really a shame that some unscrupulous elements cause so much havoc in the society causing irreparable damage to normal lives. Agitation might seem a good way to get […]

The Pain of Partition: Neither Hindu Nor Muslim Only Humans

The Pain of Partition: Neither Hindu Nor Muslim Only Humans

We at Metaphysics Knowledge never indulge in political gossip neither do we spread false rumours for the sake of making news. As mentioned in some of our previous posts, there has been lot of misunderstanding in the name of religion across the world and specifically between India and Pakistan. The current generation hardly knows anything […]

Ancient Indian Aeronautics: An Overview of Shastras

Ancient Indian Aeronautics: An Overview of Shastras

Acknowledgement: this post is based on a scientific paper published in International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology, Vol 4, Issue 3, Sept 2014. Basically we are publishing it here to show with authentic proof that the vedas, shastras and ancient texts are not only a valuable source of Spiritual knowledge but also great material knowledge […]

Jai Jawan, Jai Kissan, Jai Insaan

Jai Jawan, Jai Kissan, Jai Insaan

These lines are meant to describe the relative situation of three types of people Jawans (soldiers), Kissan (farmers) and Insaan (common man) and who deserves what from the government. Please note that this poem does not mean to disrespect any one of the above as they are all integral part of our system but it […]