By Daisy Astrologer on November 22, 2014
horoscope, janam patrika

Horoscope or janam patrika is an observation of the heavens at the exact time of a person’s birth, by which the events of life are predicted by the Astrologer. To cast a horoscope of a person, it is necessary to have accurate details such as the following: Gender Time of birth Place of birth Date […]
By s.heeralal on June 7, 2014
astrology, double fate line, horoscope
Astrology, Miscellaneous

The palm majorly has three lines that are heart, life and fate lines. Each line has a significance of its own. Let us find out the significance of having a double fate line on our palms. Does it signify double measure of fate or is there another significance for the same? The Line of Destiny […]
By Jyotsna on January 30, 2013
astrologer, horoscope, Lal Kitab Remedies, planet Mars, red book, Saturn, worship a Peepal
Metaphysical Books, Miscellaneous

The Lal Kitab is also called as the red book. It is a very prominent book in astrology. It is a very detailed book that discusses the effects of all the nine planets in the natal chart of the individual in details. It says clearly how the next five years will be for the client […]
By Jyotsna on January 11, 2013
astrologers, Baby Horoscope, by date of birth, by name, compatibility, horoscope, Linda Goodman’s book, Little
Horoscopes, Miscellaneous

Horoscope is a planetary chart that is made based on the time of birth of the baby. According to the time the baby’s future is determined. The astrologers are sent the time of birth and they make the horoscopes of the child. They also recommend what should be the first letter of the child’s name […]
By Meetu Verma Nayyar on November 16, 2012
astrology, horoscope, lucky colour, prediction, superstition
Horoscopes, Miscellaneous

Well since childhood days I remember that before any exam or before results I would go through the newspaper’s horoscope section. This would help me understand how my day would be. Sometimes the prediction would be good and there are days when the predictions would make me upset. However, I don’t remember if they would […]
By s.heeralal on July 10, 2012
horoscope, saggitarius, zodiac sun sign

Sagittarius is the zodiac sign for all born between 23rd November and 21st December. It is a fire sign meaning the element that it represents the most in the universe is fire. The ruling planet for this sign is Jupiter. As per Vedic astrology if a person is born under the influence of the planet Jupiter they […]
By Rakesh on September 21, 2010
astronomy, horoscope, origin of astrology, science of astrology

Learn about the basic introduction to the origin of astrology and how this art and science is useful in our everyday lives.