By Vedantacharya Bhatt on January 29, 2013
astrologers, kundali, learning palmistry, Palmistry Tutorial, palms, the mount of sun
Miscellaneous, Palmistry

Palmistry we all know is a science with which the astrologers read the palms of the people and predict the future. Each line on our palm has significance. They change with time in length and clarity. It is said that as per our karma the lines on our palm changes and thereby our destiny is […]
By Jyotsna on January 11, 2013
astrologers, Baby Horoscope, by date of birth, by name, compatibility, horoscope, Linda Goodman’s book, Little
Horoscopes, Miscellaneous

Horoscope is a planetary chart that is made based on the time of birth of the baby. According to the time the baby’s future is determined. The astrologers are sent the time of birth and they make the horoscopes of the child. They also recommend what should be the first letter of the child’s name […]