Horoscope is a planetary chart that is made based on the time of birth of the baby. According to the time the baby’s future is determined. The astrologers are sent the time of birth and they make the horoscopes of the child. They also recommend what should be the first letter of the child’s name and accordingly the child is named. For example they say that the child should be named with S or B and accordingly the parents select a name. In all parts of India the baby horoscope holds a place of prominence. All parents want to know what the future of the child will be like.
The craze has become so high that today the parents consult astrologers even before the birth of the child and discuss what will be a good time to deliver the baby. With the high use of induced labour and c section operations these trends have become easy to follow. Even the doctor’s understand the feelings of the parents and unless there is an emergency they wait for the good date and time to come so that they can deliver the baby.
In the western countries where the baby horoscopes are not based on time of birth but the month of birth the parents try to understand how a Leo baby would be like. For example, how can they handle a Gemini child? This is because they are considered to be the naughtiest of all the sun signs. Linda Goodman’s book on understanding the sun signs give a detailed explanation of how a child of each sun sign will be like and how they must be treated. In India the baby horoscopes are used to determine if the child will be good at studies. Will the child have any initial health problems, and what kind of luck will the baby bring for the family, etc.
In the Eastern parts of India it is belived that if the child is born with the kaal sharpa dosha then the child will bring ill luck for the family. If the dosha is very strong then it can also lead to divorce of the parents. This is why a puja is recommended and must be done at the earliest. If the baby horoscope says that the child will have serious health issues then the pujas are done to ensure that the child lives a long and healthy life. Some horoscopes are so detailed that they also mention that which year will be a bad year for the child and he or she may meet with accidents. The parents ensure that during these years they give more attention to the children and ensure that they don’t hurt themselves.
Well one belief that is common among all parts of India is that till the child is twelve years old their palms should not be read and they must not be given ant stones. Stones can be given a=only after the age of eighteen. This is important as a child might not understand what exactly astrology is and they can get very badly affected by the predictions. The doctors say that the mind of a child is very soft and if we discuss about what the horoscope say about them they can get carried away by it very badly and as a result the future can be impacted. For example if a child is said that he will become a film star he or she may leave studies and pay full attention only to showbiz as a result they will perhaps get misguided.
This shows how important the baby horoscopes are and how they are given huge importance not only in India but also in the western countries. This has been a tradition for ages. As soon as a baby is born the horoscope is made and the future is predicted by the family astrologer. If you are expecting a child and you want to know what will be a good time for delivery then you can definitely consult a well known astrologer. Similarly if you already have a child and you want to make a horoscope for the baby you can contact a renowned astrologer and they will tell you all that you need to know about the future of the baby as per the horoscope.