By Daisy Astrologer on September 12, 2014
yoga classes, yoga for migraine, yoga poses

Migraine is a severe headache that anyone can experience. When you get migraine the headache is so bad that you cannot tolerate it. Research shows that migraine is more common in women even there are lot of men with this problem too. Let us find out how yoga can be effective in combating migraine and […]
By s.heeralal on September 10, 2014
learn yoga, Tadasana, yoga poses

Let us learn a few basic yoga poses and start with the famous tadasana or the mountain pose. Do remember that in practicing an asana, the focus may be simultaneously on the sense of feeling, the body, the mind and what is termed “myself”. The subsequent paragraphs try to elaborate on these aspects as related […]
By usha on October 24, 2013
losing weight, weight loss, yoga poses
Featured, Miscellaneous, Yoga

In this article we will discuss yoga poses for weight loss and management. We live very busy lives and most of the day is spent in office sitting on a chair and looking at the computer. Where do we have the time to exercise and lose weight? The Role of Yoga Yoga is a good […]