Migraine is a severe headache that anyone can experience. When you get migraine the headache is so bad that you cannot tolerate it. Research shows that migraine is more common in women even there are lot of men with this problem too. Let us find out how yoga can be effective in combating migraine and leading a healthy life.
What Causes Migraine?
Though a lot of studies have been carried out on migraine, medical science is still to reach a definite conclusion about the factors which can cause migraine. Many different variations exist like one school of thought says that it could be possibly caused by a particular nerve.
The migraine mostly come on its own and then leaves on its own too. Migraine mostly happens at one particular time in the day. The doctors say that there is no particular medicine for migraine. Painkillers are fine but they cannot provide much relief. Acupressure is considered to be very effective in migraine.
Yoga for Migraine Cure
However, there is one more cure that can help people suffering from migraine. It is the Yoga. Many doctors all across the world believe that perhaps yoga is the best way to get rid of migraine. It does not have any side effects. Regular sessions of yoga can really help to cure the migraine.
Different Yoga Asanas for Migraine Relief
There are a few yoga asanas that you can practice in order to get the best results for migraine. These asanas are simple and can be learnt easily.
- Vajrasana or the diamond pose is considered to be one of the most effective and simple yoga for migraine. First kneel down on the floor. Your back should be straight. The hands should be on the thigh. You must close your eyes and hold the position for as long as you can.
- Supta Vajrasana (Fixed Firm Pose) this is the next in the list of the yoga for migraine. This can be learnt in any yoga school. In this pose sit on your knees. Now slowly bend the upper half of your body till your head touch the floor. Your arms should be on the side of your body. Close your eyes and hold this position for a few seconds.
- Urdhva Vajrasana (Upper Diamond) is another very good yoga for migraine that can provide a lot of relief. Sit on the floor. If you can sit in padmasana then even better. Turn the upper half of your body. Your head should face the back walls. The hands should be on the toes of the leg. We have included a picture to show the Urdhva Vajrasana. You can hold this pose till you are comfortable and then release.
- Padangusthasana (Big Toe Pose) the list on the yoga for migraine will be incomplete without the mention of this asana. Stand straight with your back firm. Now slowly bend the body till you can touch the toes of your leg. As you bend inhale and when you release exhale. This can take some time to master. You must ensure that you hold the Padangusthasana only till the time you are comfortable.
- Veerabhadrasana (Warrior Pose) is the next in the list of the yoga for migraine. This is a very effective and a great way to get relief from this problem. For this you first need to stand straight. One leg should be moved backwards. Now stretch your hands towards the sky. Hold this position for a few seconds and the repeat it with the other leg. The Veerabhadrasana can seem simple but you must know how to do it right.
- Bhujangasana (Snake Pose) as we move on with the list of the yoga for migraine we will have to mention this asana. This is because this asana can provide instant relief with migraine. To get the Bhujangasana right first lie on the floor. Your stomach should be placed on the floor. Now slowly lift your head. You must use your hands for the extra support. Hold this position as long as you can and then slowly release the same.
- Baddhakonasana Type 1 (Cobblers Pose) this is the next yoga for migraine. Regular practice of this yoga can really help you to get the desired results with migraine. In this pose sit on the floor with your back straight. As you do so the palms of your legs should meet. We have enclosed a picture of the Baddhakonasana so that you get the pose right. Hold the palms of the leg. You can hold the pose as long as you can do it comfortably. Any discomfort you feel while doing the Baddhakonasana then you should stop it immediately.
- Dhanurasana (Bow Pose) the yoga for migraine is a long list and this asana is a major part of the list. This asana can provide great relief from the problem instantly. This is a very effective yoga asana. In the Dhanurasana you should first lie on the floor. Your abdomen should be placed on the floor. Now lift your leg then stretch the hands so that they can touch the legs. This pose looks like a bow this is why it is called the Dhanurasana. The Dhanurasana is a little complex. You can get a professional teacher to learn the Dhanurasana.
- Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand) this is one of the most critical yoga for migraine. However, you must remember that you should learn the advanced form of this yoga for the desired results. You must start the Sarvangasana using a support. As you learn it well you can practice the Sarvangasana without a support. First lie on the floor and lift your legs. You can use your hands to support the body. Hold the pose of Sarvangasana for a few seconds. Then release the same.
- Halasana (Plow Pose) is the last in the list of the yoga for migraine. When you learn this asana ensure that you learn the advanced version else you will not get the results that you want. In this asanas you first need to lie of the floor. Now use your hands to support your body. Slowly lift your leg and move it till the toes touch the floor. The whole upper body will be slightly curved as you do the Halasana. This may take some practice as the Halasana is a little complex.
The list above is the yoga for migraine that one can practice. Regular practice of these yoga can help you to deal with migraine. Apart from that these yoga asanas have various other advantages too. Just start learning these today and ensure you do them regularly. Migraine can be very painful and it can hamper your normal life. If you have migraine then these yoga poses will definitely help.