By Meetu Verma Nayyar on April 21, 2021
divine, God, nature

Some say I am an atheist I dont believe in God They say I am a sinner, and i am very mod I say I do not believe in God at all, I admit its true For what they mean by that term, I havent got a clue Yet what I call nature is perhaps […]
By Meetu Verma Nayyar on March 15, 2018
God, happy, joy

Learn to be happy always and at all times Learn to always spread cheers and chimes If you are happy without any solid reason If it doesnt matter, which situation or season Then you have risen above circumstances, a yogi Else you are just bound in chains, like a bhogi There is never a reason […]
By Dr Divya Mittal on March 5, 2017
God, path

The path to reach God is pretty simple and straightforward against the perception Those who describe it as curved and complicated are creating an illusion, a deception For nothing is more nearer to your own self, your true self, that is your own soul To reach that and complete the journey successfully shall be your […]
By Ankush Dogra on July 17, 2016
God, love

God is love, so say the learned, the Saints and the sages This phrase has been used to describe Him since ages In the state of love, all you do is going to be always good This idiom has been there, the test of time it has stood Yet there is a subtle difference between […]
By Mrs Manjeet Brar on October 8, 2015
Allah, buddha, God, Waheguru

It is true that all religions have the same goal and are quite similar in their teachings and ditto in their essence. It is only we the fools who fight in name of religion. We keep giving examples where teachings say the same thing – though it is not required for a true followers – […]
By Meetu Verma Nayyar on July 21, 2014
God, Religion, Spirituality
Featured, Miscellaneous, Spirituality

It is quite common to hear the phrase ‘Spiritual but not Religious’. What exactly does the phrase mean? Does the phrase suggest that spirituality and religion are separate? Is it a cultural statement or does it means a situation where I choose the beliefs and prepare a concoction for myself? Let us look at it […]