Sri Paramhansa

Kriya Yoga Technique From YSS SRF Perspective

Kriya Yoga Technique From YSS SRF Perspective

We are reposting this article on the pious occasion of the Birth Anniversary of Sri Sri Lahiri Mahasaya Ji, who was second in the lineage of Gurus who spread Kriya Yoga in the modern era, a science which was lost from popular culture after its ancient glory. Kriya Yoga techniques refer to a set of […]

The Autobiography Of A Yogi

The Autobiography Of A Yogi

The Autobiography of a Yogi is a famous book authored written by Sri Paramhansa Ji (1983-1952). He was a great saint who was born in the city of Gorakhpur in Uttar Pradesh.  He developed an interest in spirituality from a very young age and was always on the lookout for a Guru who could guide […]