By Mrs Manjeet Brar on September 26, 2017
(YSS), Aum symbol, Kriya Yoga Technique, Lahiri Mahasaya, Sri Paramhansa, Yogada Satsanga society
Featured, Miscellaneous, Spirituality

We are reposting this article on the pious occasion of the Birth Anniversary of Sri Sri Lahiri Mahasaya Ji, who was second in the lineage of Gurus who spread Kriya Yoga in the modern era, a science which was lost from popular culture after its ancient glory. Kriya Yoga techniques refer to a set of […]
By sonia verma on August 6, 2017
(YSS), Mrinaini Mataji, Paramhansa Yogananda Ji
Saints & Deities

On August 3, 2017, our beloved sanghamata and president, Sri Mrinalini Mata, peacefully left this world for the eternal realm of bliss and freedom in Spirit. A guiding light of wisdom, love, and understanding for the hundreds of thousands of truth seekers whose lives have been transformed by the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda, Sri Mrinalini […]
By nishichawla on February 24, 2017
(YSS), Gurus, SRF
Saints & Deities

Dear friends, Metaphysics Knowledge is happy to announce that the Government of India will release a postage stamp in the remembrance and honour of Sri Sir Paramhansa Yogananda Ji, founder of YSS India and SRF USA. The even will take place on the coming 7th of March 2017 at Vigyan Bhawan New Delhi from 9:30 […]
By Vedantacharya Bhatt on May 30, 2013
(YSS), Paramhansa Yogananda, self realization fellowship, SRF
Featured, Miscellaneous, Saints & Deities

Introduction We have discussed a lot about Yogananda Paramhansa in our previous articles. We will now in this article discuss about the Self Realization Fellowship. It was founded in 1920 by the great Guru himself. It was started in California. It is located in Mount Washington. It is registered as a religious organisation. It is […]