The above verse is given from verse number 50 from Rigveda book number 1 and its literal translation is given as follows
Light travels 2202 yojanas in one-half nimisha
So let us discuss this in detail
Nimisha is a unit of time used ancient India which is having the following conversions
1 kastha = 15 nimishas
1 kala = 30 kasthas
1 mahurta = 30.3 kalas
1 diva ratri = 30 mahurtas
1 diva ratri = 1 day – night = 24 hours of modern time unit
if you do a little bit of maths you can see that it comes to
1 nimisha = 0.2112 seconds of modern time
so one-half nimisha = 0.1056 seconds of modern time
coming to Yojan
1 yojan = 9.09 miles
so going by the formula that distance = speed * time
we get the speed of light as
189547 miles per hour
or in kilometers as
3.05 * 10^8 meters per second = 305000000 = 3 lac km per sec
as per the modern day calculations the speed of light is also 3 lac kilometers per second
299 792 458 meters per second = 3 lac km per sec
So we can see that the modern day science has the same results as was written in rigvedas