When life teaches you new lessons night and day
Sometimes you just get bit frustrated and you say
Why the heck are you teaching me so much
Who has time to spend centuries here as such
We are all here for a short duration of few decades
The illusion of permanency here are all facades
Yet that delusion of permanence covers all our thought
We just keep learning ever more than life has taught
Unless you learn the secret to go beyond, there is delusion
In this world of temporary existence, there is illusion
Dont teach me so much, let me learn on my own
Karma is another great teacher, what you have sown
If you think of the life as a short journey, its full of beauty
Do not worry for pleasure or pain, just do your duty
For in the end everyone will go on their own way
Who has come to live forever, how long to stay
Whatever time you have got spend will full joy
Just think of nature as a God gifted toy
Do not fight, nor carry hatred, its all futile
Just help everyone, and make your karma agile
Do what your heart yearns for, learn all that you can
For so the Saints say, this is the truth of man
If you look back your entire life, you should not regret
Whatever you could not achieve, just keep trying do not fret
In the end its the effort that matters, results are not in your hand
If you grip the life too tight, it will just slip like a quick sand