Statistics show that due to lifestyle pressures and degradation of values and culture in most societies, many valuable things are losing importance. One such thing is the respect of elders. If you just remember that no matter how young or strong you are, you will have to face old age one day, you will perhaps behave a bit better. Moreover the law of karma ensures that what you sow is what you reap so watch next time you do not respect elders in the family, relationships and even society in general.
It is really a pity that in the earlier ages, it was a great tradition to show respect to elders by touching their feet. There is a science behind this and you can also check out our article on the tradition of touching feet of elders. However these days situation has changed quite a lot.
Here are a few lines written by an aged person showing his/her situation, but things are not so bleak and still age is respect to a great extent especially in the orient.
Once I was strong and stout and worked hard all my life
Never did I give up, no matter ill-health, poverty or strife
All these years I cared for everyone by toiling day and night
Now I am starting to get old, I wander if its the start of plight
Suddenly I am starting to feel unsafe and unsecure in my own home
What used to be my own kingdom, starts to feel like enclosed dome
Those whom I loved my entire life, they seemed to be stranger
I feel withing my own home, I have become a lonely ranger
So I express these feelings so that others can enlighten and learn
Remember I am also a small child, for your togetherness I yearn
Yet it is not so bad, after all there are some gems in the generation new
In the otherwise scorching sun, those who act like the soothing dew
Just remember it is not for them for your own sake you should respect age
A person who has decades of experience, is almost like a Spiritual sage
Receive their blessings and see how God works in ways sublime
Dont search God in the jungles, in your elders you can see the Divine
If you earn well, live well but dont respect the people who formed your base
You will surely repent beyond measure, will hardly find any solace
The super-consciousness prevailing the world sees everything and all
So just take care to be a human, do not falter or fall
Although money is no alternative to respect and love, still there are many aged people who are abandoned by their families. There are many NGOs and other organizations which care for such people. One such organisation is Seesha which is run by Dr Paul Dhinakaran of Jesus Calls. In case you would like to contribute can do following the below mentioned information