In this post we will study about some interesting aspects of vedic astrology. Let us first begin by taking a look at the chart showing the 12 houses, the corresponding raashis , their master planets and so forth.
Twelve Houses, Raashis, And Their Descriptions
Rahu & Ketu
Ketu is always at the beck and call of Rahu who commands. Ketu has no identified of its own.
- Partially i.e. 50%- All planet aspect 5th house and are friends e.g. 2nd aspecting the 6th.
- Planet aspect 25%- 8th aspect 6th, 2nd aspects 12th (25%) and vice versa.
- 8th house aspects the 2nd 100% and not the 2nd aspecting the 8th.
Graph For Aspects
- 5th house does not aspect the 11th house.
- 2nd house does not aspect the 8th house.
If the planet so aspected by a friendly planet, the results are good, otherwise bad.
- Mercury, in the 12th house adversely aspects the 6th and from 9th it adversely aspects the 3rd.
- Saturn, in the 6th house is retrograde. It adversely aspects the 2nd house and spells disaster and doom for the planet in that house, even though it may be occupied by his friend, Venus.
Sudden Loss Or Injury (Life Or Property Or Both)
Whether friends or enemies, life or property is endangered. It happens suddenly and without warning e.g. Suppose Venus in the first house moves to the 3rd or vice versa, it may entail loss of property or life. Saving grace is, if it is aspected by Sun or Moon or Jupiter etc.’
A Can aspect the house.
B Can be aspected from the house, e.g., 1st house can aspect the 5th and it can be aspected by the 9th.
- Only friends can see through the common wall and not enemies
Suppose Rahu in the 1st house in the horoscope, occupies 3rd house in annual chart, it may lead to accident. For this, help will come from 5, 9, 7, & 11 houses occupied by benefic planets. Similarly Mars in the 8th house occupying the 10th house will also lead to an accident; but help will come through benefic planets from 4, 5 & 12.
A planet exalted or debilitating in the main horoscope gives good or bad results only when placed in the house reserved for it in the Annual Chart. For example exalted Jupiter in Cancer gives its exalted effect only when it occupies the 4th and 2nd house in the Annual Chart, so is the case with other planets.
Special Aspects For Health, Sickness, Mmarrage, Children, Home Etc.
- Third house will be friendly to 5th, whether friends or enemies. 5th will aspect 7th and 7th will aspect 9th –adverse or good effects according to friendly or enemy planets. 6th & 8th and & 10th houses will be opposed to each other expect Sun in 9th house which will be like beneficial rain.
- From house no. 10 to house no 5, there are six houses i.e., 11th to 4th and from house no.5 to 10 there are 4 houses i.e., 6th to 9th. It means house no. 10 will aspect house no. 5 and not vice versa except Moon in house no.5 which will be like a poison to house no.10.
- As regards aspects of Kendra i.e. 1 to 7 4 to 10 and other houses, please refer to prevous pages containing chart of aspects.
Planet Of Dception Or Misleading Planet
Deception means to mislead. Sometimes a planet deceives or misleads an individual in a good or bad sense. Occasionally a man receives an unexpected windfall or unexpected reverses. Such a planet will be doubly bad or good. Refer to Explanatory Notes under House no.10.
When no. 10 occupies the house of deception in a particular year, it will completely and malefic ally decide the individual. In other words, he will face unexpected loss or reverses.
Similarly when no.2 (House of personal fate) occupies no. 11 (House of income), it will mislead the man in a good sense and he will have better luck that year. (Refer to Column no. 6 – deception- in the chart showing friends, enmity, etc as above). Malefic planet will be infecting more malefic when it occupies no.8
The above graph shows misleading planets