Have you ever wondered what exactly is the meaning of each and every line of the Hanuman Chalisa. In this article we will try to exactly explain what the Hanuman Chalisa stands for. Let us first find out a few facts about these verses
- The Hanuman Chalisa was written by the famous poet and saint Tulsidas
- The language that was used to write the Hanuman Chalisa was Awadhi
- The Hanuman Chalisa is a combination of forty devotional verses that are dedicated to the Lord Hanuman
The Hanuman Chalisa describes the Lord hanuman and his incredible abilities. We will try to explain each of these chaupais in details now:
- shrīguru charana saroja raja nija mana mukuru sudhāri। baranau raghubara bimala jasu jo dāyaku phala chāri॥
Hey Lord Hanumana please clean my mind of all ill thoughts and let me concentrate on singing the glory of Lord Rama at your feet.
- buddhihīna tanu jānikai sumirau pavanakumāra। bala budhi bidyā dehu mohi harahu kalesa bikāra॥
I am devoid of intellegence so please Lord Hanuman the son of Vayu, bestow me with intellegence and strength. Remove all the impurities from my soul and give me true knowledge. The impurities that is referred to here are Krodha, Kāma, Lobha, Mada,Moha, and Mātsarya
These two are the introductory dohas. The chaupais are below:
- jaya hanumāna gyāna guna sāgara। jaya kapīsa tihu loka ujāgara॥
Lord Hanuman you are the ocean of knowledge. You have all the knowledge that is contained in the three Vedas. You are popular in all the three lokas (heaven, earth and hell).
- rāma dūta atulita bala dhāmā। anjani putra pavanasuta nāmā॥
You were selected by Lord Rama as his messenger. You are the son of Anjana and Vayu (Lord of the wind).
- mahābīra bikrama bajarangī। kumati nivāra sumati ke sangī॥
You have huge amount of strength. You are the biggest hero of all times. You have been gifted huge powers. You are stronger than might vajra of Lord Indra. You are the friend of those who have knowledge and you have the power to destroy all evil thoughts.
- kanchana barana birāja subesā। kānana kundala kunchita kesā॥
Your complexion is similar to that of melted gold. You have a very handsome form. You wear beautiful earrings. Your hair is nice and curly. This makes you very god to look at.
- hātha bajra au dhvajā birājai। kādhe mūnja janeū sājai॥
In your hands you carry the vajra. In one of your hands you hold the flags that you carried when Lord Rama won the battle. You have a sacred thread that hangs on your shoulder. This thread is made of munja grass.
- shankara suvana kesarī nandana। teha pratāpa mahā jaga bandana॥
In these lines the Lord Hanuman is addressed as the son of Lord Shiva. It is said that Lord Hanuman was a part of Lord Shiva who was carried into the womb of his mother Anjana by the wind. You have a very strong aura and you remind of kesari. Kesari is one of the twelve type of off springs that one can have as per the Hindu mythology.
- bidyāvāna gunī ati chātura। rāma kāja jaribe ko ātura॥
Lord Hanuman you were very clever and you mastered all the eighteen form of knowledge known to man. You are always interested in doing all the tasks of Lord Rama.
- prabhu charitra sunibe ko rasiyā। rāma lakhana sītā mana basiyā॥
You have Lord Rama, Lakshman and Sita in your mind always. Similarly you also live in the heart of these Lords. You love to listen to the praises of Lord Rama.
- sūkshma rūpa dhari siyahi dikhāvā। bikata rūpa dhari lanka jarāvā॥
In Ashok vatika when you went to meet goddess Sita you took a very small form like a child goes to meet the mother. In Lanka you took the form of a destroyer and you almost burnt the whole city of Lanka.
- bhīma rūpa dhari asura sahāre। rāmachandra ke kāja savāre॥
You took a fierce form in the battle and destroyed the army of Lord Rama. In this form you reminded everyone of Bhima.
- lāya sajīvani lakhana jiyāe। shrī raghubīra harashi ura lāe॥
When Lord Lakshman was badly injured in the battle you got the Sanjivni herb and saved his life. Lord Rama got so happy after this that he embraced you.
- raghupati kīnhī bahut barāī। tuma mama priya bharatahi sama bhāī॥
Lord Rama who was the incarnation of Lord Vishnu himself was always impressed by your devotion and he considered you equal to his brother Bharat.
- sahasa badana tumharo jasa gāvai। asa kahi shrīpati kantha lagāvai॥
The sheshnag is a serpent with thousand heads in Hindu mythology. This serpent also sings your glory and describes how Lord Rama used to embrace you.
- sanakādika brahmādi munīsā। nārada sārada sahita ahīsā॥
Lord Hanuman was blessed by all the saints (Brahma, Narad, Sanka, Munisa and Sarad).
- jama kubera dikpāla jahā te। kabi kobida kahi sakai kahā te॥
Lord Hanuman was blessed by all the gods from the different directions. Yama the Lord of death also blessed Lord Hanuman as a result he became cheeranjeev (immortal). He was also blessed by the Lord of wealth Kuber. No poet can ever explain the achievements of Lord Hanuman.
- tuma upakāra sugrīvahi kīnhā। rāam milāya rājapada dīnhā॥
You helped Sugriva to meet Lord Rama. Lord Rama helped Sugriva to win over the kingdom of Kishkindha from his brother.
- tumharo mantra bibhīshana mānā। lankeshvara bhae saba jaga jānā॥
Your mantras were also accepted by Vibhishan the brother of Ravan. As he took to your ways he could become the king of Lanka after his brother’s death. The whole world now knows this story.
- juga sahasra jojana para bhānū। līlyo tāhi madhura phala jānū॥
The sun was almost engulfed by you as you thought it to be a fruit. It is true that as a child Lord Hanuman did try to swallow the Sun but he could not do it.
- prabhu mudrikā meli mukha māhī। jaladhi lāghi gaye acharaja nāhī॥
Lord Hanuman took the ring of Lord Rama as he went to meet Sita in Ashok Vatika. He had to cross the ocean to reach Lanka. He was able to leap across the ocean successfully. He had placed the ring in his mouth as he did this impossible task.
- durgama kāja jagata ke jete। sugama anugraha tumhare tete॥
O Lord Hanuman you can do all those tasks that are impossible to do. This is exactly why you are remembered when there is a tough task that needs to be done even today.
- rāma duāre tuma rakahvāre। hota na āgyā binu paisāre॥
Lord Hanuman you protect the door to enter the room of Lord Rama. Without your permission no one can ever enter into the chamber of Lord Rama.
- saba sukha lahai tumhārī saranā। tuma rakshaka kāhū ko daranā॥
You grant all happiness to the devotees. You are the protector of all the devotees. Once a person devotes himself to you there is nothing more to fear. You will always protect your devotees.
- āpana teja samhāro āpai। tinau loka hāka te kāpai॥
When you roar in your thunderous voice the whole world trembles with fear.
- bhūta pishācha nikata nahi āvai। mahābīra jaba nāma sunāvai॥
No evil spirits or ghosts can come closer to a person who chants your name. This is so because even these spirits are scared of you.
- nāsai roga harai saba pīrā। japata nirantara hanumata bīrā॥
If the Lord Hanuman is called for he will always come to protect his devotees. All one needs to do is do japa of his name. He removes all the sufferings and fears of the devotees.
- sankata se hanumāna chhudāvai। mana krama bachana dhyāna jo lāvai॥
Anyone who remembers the Lord Hanuman with all his heart will be definitely protected from all the adversities. You can also remember the Lord hanuman in your action and words.
- saba para rāma tapasvī rājā। tina ke kāja sakala tuma sājā॥
Lord Rama is the most powerful god yet he trusts you with the execution of all his duties.
- aura manoratha jo koī lāvai। tāsu amita jīvana phala pāvai॥
Anyone who comes to you with a wish you ensure that the wish is fulfilled. You try to give more than a person asked for and that too in one lifetime itself.
- chāro juga para tāpa tumhārā। hai parasiddha jagata ujiyyārā॥
Your glory and the stories of your incredible deeds will be popular across all the four ages. These stories will keep guiding the devotees and enlightening them to a better life.
- sādhu santa ke tuma rakhavāre। asura nikandana rāma dulāre॥
You are the true follower of Lord Rama. You protect all the saints and you ensure that the evil doers are punished.
- ashta siddhi nau nidhi ke dātā। asa bara dīnha jānakī mātā॥
You have all the supernatural powers that are called the Siddhis (Aṇimā, Garimā, Mahimā, Laghimā, Prāpti, Prākāmya, Īśitva, and Vaśitva). You also have all the nine treasures or nidhis (Mahāpadma, Padma, Śaṅkha, Makara, Kacchapa, Mukunda, Kunda, Nīla and Kharva). This boon was given to you by goddess Sita.
- rāma rasāyana tumhare pāsā। sadā raho raghupati ke dāsā॥
You are the person who has the treasure to the bhakti of Lord Rama. You will always remain the loyal servant of all the descendents of Lord Rama.
- tumhare bhajana rāma ko pāvai। janama janama ke dukha bisarāvai॥
By chanting your prayers one can reach Lord Rama and they forget all the pains that they had to face in all their births. By worshipping Lord Hanuman one can reach Lord Rama easily.
- anta kāla raghubara pura jāī। jahā janma hari bhakta kahāī॥
Your devotees after death reach Raghubara Pura also called the Saket Loka. After visit this loka when the devotees are born again they are called Hari Bhakt.
- aura devatā chitta na dharaī। hanumata sei sarba sukha karaī॥
By remembering and worshipping the Lord Hanuman a person can easily please all the gods. A you are dear to all the gods. This ensures that devotees get bliss in this life and even after death.
- sankata katai mitai saba pīrā। jo sumirai hanumata balabīrā॥
Anyone who remembers the Lord Hanuman with all heart gets relief from all pains.
- jaya jaya jaya hanumāna gusāī। kripā karahu gurudeva kī nāī॥
O Lord Hanuman may you always be victorious. Please bless me with your grace and enlighten me with the knowledge of Lord Rama. Please bless me god and become mu Guru.
- jo shata bāra pātha kara koī। chhūtahi bandi mahā sukha hoī॥
If one can chant the recite the Hanuman Chalisa for hundred days or for hundred times then he or she will get free from all bonding and will experience supreme bliss.
- jo yaha parhai hanumāna chālīsā। hoya siddha sākhī gaurīsā॥
One who recites the Hanuman Chalisa with all heart can attain complete liberation. This person also comes close to Lord Shiva and be blessed.
- tulasīdāsa sadā hari cherā। kījai nātha hridaya mama derā॥
Tulsidas is the follower of Hari. Lord please does ensure that you stay in my heart always.
The concluding dohas are as follows:
- pavanatanaya sankata harana mangala mūrati rūpa। rāma lakhana sītā sahita hridaya basahu sura bhūpa॥
Lord hanuman you are the son of Vayu and you can remove lal adversities. You are the most important of all the gods. Please stay in my heart along with Lord Rama, Godess Sita and Lord Laksman.
We hope that this article on Hanuman Chalisa will help you to understand the deep meaning of these words. This will help you to add more meaning to your devotion and worship of Lord Hanuman.