The following 26 are the vital centres provided in the human body.
Soles, Calves,Thighs, Genital Organ, Navel, Heart, Lungs, Shoulders, Right palm, hand & shoulder, Left palm, hand & shoulder, Eyes, Ears, Mouth, Nose, Eye brows
Care of Vital Centers
We all know a lot about these centres and yet we do not reflect over them. When , for instance, we are busy we just do not bother about the vital centres referred to above. It is only when certain events are caused that our mind turns to these vital centres. Now a nail gets stuck up in one’s sole, which makes one sit up and sharply realise that the sole is a vital part of the body. Otherwise we just do not worry about the sole.
Pay Attention to them
We should rather pay regular attention to all the vital centres of the body. It is but natural that a particular limb being not properly cared for would go inactive. Some mystics say that several centuries ago man had in him a certain active ganglion. With the aid of this ganglion he used to look into the past and peep into the future without any extra effort. But as he got embroiled in mundane activities and over-looked cultivating this ganglion, it became gradually inactive. It stopped doing even the normal job it was assigned with.
Example of inactivity
Even today this ganglion is very much in the human brain. Medical scientists have identified it, but the ganglions has been reduced to inactivity, although it continues to be alive. Similarly if we do not pay attention to, and cultivate, the 26 vital centres provided in our body, one reasonably fears that some of them, if not all, may become inactive, although they will remain alive. In that case we shall not be able to continue to derive benefits from all centres. I would, therefore, urge readers to pay attention to these centres at least once a day so that they remain active.
More than any other limb the human mind is engrossed in external activities. As a result it does not bother to pay any attention to these centres which are embedded in the inner system. Should we choose to activate the inner mind at least once a day and pay proper attention to all these vital centres, we will certainly grow healthier. Besides, man will be able to re-strengthens these centres by ensuring a proper circulation of the Pran shakti provided in the body.
Nyasa Dhyana
The technique to pay attention to these centers is as follows and it is also called Nyasa dhyana
When the practitioner gets up in the morning he should put on loose clothes. Now you stretch yourself straight on bed. Drop the body quite loose and relaxed. The body should be left so loose that you may feel your body has no strength left in itself. You should neither blink your eye nor allow any limb to go active. This posture is called Shavasana-the posture of the deadman.
Now bring your breath under control. Exhale whatever air you have in your lungs. Gradually pump in fresh air. You will have a delightful sensation as you do so. Make sure that you are breathing slowly.
After this you rouse both your internal and external minds all at once. In order words concentrate with fullest devotion on all the 26 vital centres provided in your body in the order as given in the beginning of this chapter. For about 20 seconds keep chanting the Mantra-
It should be chanted slowly as you concentrate from one vital centre to another Say you begin with soles and move upward strictly following the order as suggested.
Keep yourself to the same posture. Keep lying on bed. As you chant the mantra devoting 20 seconds for each centre, you suggest that the particular centre is getting activated and that a particular consciousness has emerged in that centre.
First you go over all the 26 centres in the ascending order and similarly you move back touching all the centres in the descending order. Thus you have completed one sequence.
You must practise it regularly. In a few days you yourself will realise that a special kind of energy is overflowing your body. You will feel more enthusiastic and more active. The magnetic power natural in you is also developing. A particularly attractive halo has set in on your face and you influence all people sooner than expected.
Many and diverse are the benefits accruing from the practice. Your body as a whole gets a special type of respite. It will re-strengthen your cells. You will get back sleep if you are suffering from insomnia. Besides, the pran shakti which is gaining in power will spread out extensively touching all parts of your body. As a result all parts get activated. They help one another and help in the process the entire physique. At any rate it should be taken as a signal achievement.
The practice eliminates all chronic diseases such as indigestion gastric disorders, anaemia, gout, headache, etc.
Whenever you have any physical ailment you lie down in the same Shavasana pose. You should concentrate upon the affected part. Suggest to it that the trouble is gone and now there is no longer any pain. In about 10 to 15 seconds the practitioner will feel that the pains is gone and he is freed from the ailment.
You can have this practice at any place you like. In any case make sure that there is absolute peace reigning about. No flies or mosquitoes should hover about. You must be dressed in loose clothes. Take a balanced, vegetarian meal during the period of practice. Empty stomach during practice will help you concentrate on all vital centres for a long time. Yet you must remember that one might need to encounter various kinds of obstacles:
- Despite repeated attempts the mind at times refuses to concentrate. At times it concentrates after repeated attempts for no more than half a second.
- As we try to concentrate, all kinds of stray thoughts assail our mind.
- The method to relax the body is no less difficult. In spite of regular and repeated attempts one finds some vital centre somewhere is active in its own way. Often we do not achieve Shavasadhana the way it should be.
- When you have achieved concentration of mind and fix it on some object, you will find it slips to some other I have suggested that we should devote 15 to 20 seconds centrewise. The process is very complex and one succeeds only after repeated practice.
- Many a time the practitioner forgets the order of the vital This failure leads to complications.
- The meditation requiring us to concentrate on all the 26 vital centres is time-consuming. Besides, to keep both the outer and inner minds at a single point is very difficult. It is only after a regular practice stretched over a long time that we can have both the minds concentrated for such a long time. We must follow the order as I have already suggested.
- At times when the practitioner relaxes his body and having concentrated both the minds brings the vital centres, one after another, under influence he falls asleep. And in the long run when he gets up he forgets everything about.
- When you have completed one sequence, the body finds itself so passive that you fail to get up even after some attempts. In a situation like this the practitioner should allow his body to remain as it is and make it active gradually.