By EnnisDuff on September 11, 2014
aspects, planets, raashis

In this post we will study about some interesting aspects of vedic astrology. Let us first begin by taking a look at the chart showing the 12 houses, the corresponding raashis , their master planets and so forth. Twelve Houses, Raashis, And Their Descriptions Rahu & Ketu Ketu is always at the beck and call […]
By Daisy Astrologer on August 27, 2011
astrology, Astrology Planets, planets
In our horoscope or birth chart astrology planets and houses are the most significant things. There are 10 astrological planets including the sun and the moon, we don’t count the earth as the earth is where, we stand and observe other planets. These planets are—the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and […]