1. Bhramari Pranayama is named due to its sound resembling Lion Elephant Bees House Fly None 2. Chakrasana is a separate yoga pose but it is also a part of the Surya Namaskar series True False Cant Say None 3. Those suffering from high blood pressure should practice Bhastrika True False Cant Say None 4. How many steps are there in one complete cycle of Surya Namaskar 8 12 16 20 None 5. Bhastrika Pranayama is same as Kapal Bhati False True Cant Say None 6. Which of these Pranayamas is compared to that of Bellows Kapalbhati Bhastrika Bhramari Lom Vilom None 7. Pooraka is a part of Bhramari Pranayama, other two are Kumbhaka Rechaka Both the above None of the above None 8. Like Bhastrika, even Bhramari Pranayama should be avoided by people with high blood pressure yes no cant say None 9. Bhramari Pranayam should be avoided by pregnant women cant say True false None 10. The first and last pose in the Surya Namaskar series is the same True False Cant Say None Name Email Time's up Paid Horoscope Analysis Dear friends please pay our fee by going to this link and then fill the horoscope form