The past cannot be erased for its effects manifest in the form of karma for sure
Yet whatever is the past, you can always write a new chapter of life which is pure
Write a new chapter, and you will write history over time as you make a new start
Soon you will notice the difference between past, presend and future is poles apart
It is upto you to entirely to make the best of time which you have in hand
Utilize it fully with all dedication and devotion, lest it slips out just like grains of sand
There is nothing which cannot be changed, no matter how strong the karmic effect
Only that it will take more efforts to heal, the greater is the karmic defect
So make a new start at the new year and just see your life turn upside down
Everyone will be in harmony with you, even the people who used to frown
Write a good chapter of life this year, so that at the end it is a good book
So that you feel proud and satisfied, whenever you turn back and take a look