Many people say they are dog lovers but are they really so
Is it good enough to buy expensive dogs who shine n glow
What about adopting a pet from the street who is starved
Then only it will be visible from which stone are you carved
Caring for dogs who are from top breeds is not bad
But think about those who are deprived, lonely and sad
If you bring home even one such lonely longing soul
And you take care with all efforts and make it whole
You will gain so much good karma you cannot think
That will give you happiness beyond any drink
There are hundreds of dogs who suffer and die
They are so innocent not the least evil or sly
They are just like angels who will always be there
Will give all the affection in return for a little care
So remember the next time you want to buy a dog
You can rescue one from heat, cold and fog
Make it like your family member and just see
It will be great delight not merely a glee
For animals never forget what you do
In all thick and thin they will see you through
It will help to reduce the suffering of life
The blessings you gain will also cut your strife