Whenever you think next time of eating meat in any look and form
Just remember what lies inside, it is always true, it is always the norm
That some living being has died a cruel brutal death to satisfy your taste
Big businesses are thrive on it, they dont care if an innocent live goes waste
Eating meat is like eating these birds and animals alive so why bother to cook
You can eat them raw, without any problems, just see how does it feel n look
If you have any humanity left inside of you, leave this demon habit for sure
There is so much to eat in the world, which is just so healthy, cheaper and pure
Those who are addicted to eat meat will argue that life exists in plants of all types
That equal pain is caused to them, they are often misled by such futile hypes
Though it is true that life force exists even in non material objects in world entire
They say even Krisna taught to kill, they use such stupid and silly logic and sattire
However those who are sane are not bothered by these stupid thoughts and jibes
For life in plants is having lesser dimension, it gives less negativity and evil vibes
Of course to rise even above that level you will need to ascent to a level so high
Till that time at least stop eating animated life forms, just stop help some sigh
There is so much positivity to share, why fill you stomach and brain with poison
Have control and develop a new vision, you will see beyond your limited horizon