The Festival Of Hannukah

The Festival Of Hannukah

In Metaphysics our constant attempt has been to ensure that we tell our readers about the various religious practices and customs of the world. In this article we will discuss about a very popular Jewish festival, Hanukkah, also known as the festival of lights.

Hanukkah 2013 Date

If you have heard about Hanukkah this article will help you to understand more about the same. If you are listening to the word Hanukkah for the first time we will explain what exactly the Hanukkah is all about.



The word comes from Hebrew and it refers to a Jewish festival that is celebrated all across the world. The festival of Hanukkah this year will be on 27th November 2013. It is a eight day festival and is also called festival of dedication.

The History & Story Of Hanukkah

The Hanukkah can be dated back to 165 B.C. This was the time when the land of the Judea was ruled by Antichous. He was a king from Syria. The king wanted that the people of his country should not worship Jewish gods but the Greek gods. The Greeks ensured that the Jews worshipped the Greek gods and ate pig which was for the Jews.

Some Jews were obeyed the Greeks as they feared death. Some of the Jews did not want to follow these rules. They decided to fight against the Greek ruler and there was a rebellion. The Jews fought for their freedom to follow the religion they believed in. The war went on for many months and the Jews finally won. They conquered the holy temple of Jerusalem.

The Hanukkah is celebrated to remember this victory of the Jews. The army of the Greeks was mighty and he yet they were defeated by the Jews. The person who led the army of the Jews was named Judah Maccabee.

The Hanukkah says that if you fight for your religious rights fearlessly then no one can defeat you no matter how strong the opponent is. The Hanukkah pays tribute to the miracle of oil. This is because after the war was over the Jews lighted the Menorah with candles. The oil was sufficient for one day but strangely the candles went on for eight long days continuously. This was a miracle from the gods and this is why the Hanukkah is celebrated for eight long days every year.

How is Hanukkah Celebrated?

The Hanukkah is celebrated by lighting candles. These candles are lighted on a candle stand that is called the Menorah. It is a candle drum that you must have seen quite often. The candles are lighted from right to left and while the candles are lighted songs are sang. Prayers are common in Hanukkah. Some Jews also tell prayers as they light the candles on Hanukkah.

The children in the family are given small gifts on Hanukkah to make them feel special and happy. On Hanukkah special food is also prepared. The Hanukkah dinner has the following dishes for sure:

Hanukkah Celebrations

Hanukkah Celebrations

  1. Potato latkes
  2. Doughnuts
  3. Roasted chicken
  4. Delicacies that are made of oil

Apart from these some more dishes can be prepared in Hanukkah. A special Hanukkah carnival is arranged in the towns that have a lot of Jews. The people participate in these processions. They do so with great devotion and fun. They have a great time. People throw Hanukkah parties. They invite guests and also visit the Hanukkah parties thrown by others.

Few Facts About Hanukkah

If you want to know some Hanukkah blessings that must be recited as you light the Hanukkah candles then we will try to help you:

The first Hanukkah blessing that we would like to tell is

“Baruch ata Ado-nai, Elo-heinu Melech ha’olam, Asher kid’shanu b’mitzvosav v’tzivanu l’hadlik ner shel Chanukah”.

This means that blessed is Hashem our god the King of the universe. Who has sanctified us with his commandments and has commanded us to kindle the Chanukah light.

The second Hanukkah prayer is

“Baruch ata Ado-nai, Elo-heinu Melech ha’olam, She’asah nisim la’avoseinu, bayamim ha’hem baz’man hazeh”.

This means blessed are You Hashem our God who is the King of the universe and has wrought miracles for our forefathers in those days at this season.

Menorah: Hanukkah Candles

The main attraction of the Hanukkah is the Hanukkah candles. The candles are lighted on a stand that is called the menorah. This menorah can be made of silver, porcelain, aluminium, gold, crystal and glass. Some people also use plastic menorah with electric lights.

The menorah can be with seven to eight branches. The menorah with eight branches is called Shamash. The candle in the centre is placed a little high and is called the servant candle. The Hanukkah candles are lighted only after the sun sets for the day. On the first day of Hanukkah one candle is lighted.

As we move ahead with the days of Hanukkah on each day a new candle is added. The Hanukkah candle is placed near an open door or window. This is to ensure that the passersby can have a look at the Hanukkah candles. Another major attraction of the Hanukkah is the Hanukkah centrepiece. It is placed on the dining table. The Hanukkah centrepieces are available in the stores. If you are a creative person you can make a Hanukkah centre piece too.

You will need flowers, a menorah and any other things that you may need for the decoration. You can make a centrepiece. This piece can stay on your table for the eight days of Hanukkah. Playing dreidels is also a very important part of Hanukkah.

You can use these dreidels to play with your children. You can give the winners chocolates and candies as gambling during these eight days is a strict no. You can also use these colourful dreidels to decorate the house. Some people also make the star of David and paper boxes to decorate the house on Hanukkah. Another name for this festival is Chanukkah so do not get confused.

The most popular song that is sang while lighting the candles is called the “’Hanerot Hallalu”. One thing that you must have in mind is that you must never blow off the candles on the Hanukkah till the festival ends.

Sending Gifts

The Jews have a tradition of sending Hanukkah flowers and gift baskets to the friends and family. If you are invited to someone’s house for Hanukkah dinner then you too can carry these Hanukkah flowers and some gifts for your host. The most common Hanukkah flowers are blue and white flowers that are common in these times of the year. Some also use blue dyed rose with white roses on Hanukkah. These were the traditional flowers used in Hanukkah but with time people  have been using different varieties and shades of flowers in Hanukkah.

It will not be out of place here to observe that the description reminds me of the festival of lights celebrated across India known as Diwali although it is not as long as a week but only a single day festival. Yet it goes to show that the basic culture and traditions of the entire human race spring forth from a common motive of having an occasion to celebrate unity and rejoice. We wish all our readers a very joyous Hanukkah.

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