The Indian or Hindu calendar months are different from the western calendar months, even though their number is same, meaning that there are 12 months in this calendar too. These 12 months also correspond with the twelve zodiac signs. The Indian calendar months starts from English 22nd march which is quite different from the western calendar month that starts with 1st January.
Indian or Hindu Calendar Months
The first month in Indian Calendar Month is chaitra. This is from 22nd March to twentieth April. This has thirty days.
The second month is vaishak. This has thirty one days. It usually starts from 21st April and stays till 21st May.
The third month is the Jaistha this again has thirty days. It starts from 22nd May and goes on till 21st June.
The fourth month Asadha has thirty one days. It starts from the 22nd of June and goes on till 22nd July.
The fifth month in the Indian calendar months is the Shravana. It again has thirty one days. It begins 23rd July and goes on till 22nd August.
The sixth month also called the Bhadra month. It has thirty one days and it starts from 23rd August and goes till the 22nd of September.
Ashwin is the next month in the list. It starts from the 23rd of September and ends on 22nd October. This month also consists of thirty days.
The month of Kartik follows it has thirty days. The month of Kartik starts from 23rd October and goes till 21st November.
The month next month to appear in the Indian calendar months is the Aghrayana. It comprises of thirty days. It starts from the 22nd November and stays on till 21st December. This month again has thirty days in it.
The Pausa month follows in the Indian calendar months. This starts from the 22nd of December as per the western calendar and stays till 20th of January.
Magha is the name of the second last month in the Indian calendar months. It is a month that consists of thirty days. It begins from 21st of January and goes on till 19th of February.
The last month in the Indian calendar months is the month of phalgun. It starts on the 20th of February and ends on the 21st or 22nd of March.
These are the names of the twelve months that come in the Indian calendar months. The exact dates of these months may vary by a week from what we have mentioned. For example in some year the month of chaitra can start from 15th March.
Relation with the Zodiac
- The month of chaitra is associated with the Aries sign.
- The month of vaishak is associated with Taurus.
- The month of Jaistha is associated with the sign Gemini.
- The month of Asadha is associated with cancer.
- The month of Shravana is associated with the zodiac sign Simha or Leo.
- Bhadra month is the month of Virgo.
- Ashvin month goes with the zodiac sign of Tula or Libra.
- The month of Kartik is associated with Scorpio.
- The month of Aghrayana is the month of the zodiac sign named Sagittarius.
- Pausa is related to the zodiac sign Capricorn.
- The month of Magha is known to be the month of Aquarius.
- Phalgun month is associated with the zodiac sign Pisces.
Hindu Calendar Months & Seasons
- The first two month of Chaitra and vaishak are associated with the season of spring.
- The next two months of jaistha and Asadha are associated with the summer season. The Shravana Bhadra months are representative of varsha or the rainy season.
- Ashvin and Kartik months are the symbols on autumn season.
- The months of Aghrayan and Pausa are related to the hemant Ritu.
- Hemant is the winter in India.
- The last two months of phalgun and Magha are associated with the sisira or the cold season.
Practical Applications of Indian Calendar
As you can make out from the explanation given so far that the concept of the Indian calendar months is quite different from the western calendar months this is exactly why it becomes very difficult to use the Indian calendar months for official purpose. The Indian calendar months is mostly used for religious ceremonies and pujas. It is used to decide what will be an auspicious day to start a task. When you use the Indian calendar on a regular basis you will get a better idea of the same. The Hindu calendar is still used to make horoscopes and to decide days for the weddings etc.
The western calendar was brought into India by the Britishers. Before they came the Indian calendar was followed. Post Independence when the Britishers left we officially continued to follow the western calendar as that was the international standard. The Indian calendar months becomes more complicated as there is a system of adding and deleting a month every three years