The very title of this post might seem absurd to any person who even has a basic knowledge of science of just elementary school level, let alone a rational educated person. Yet we have put for this post for there are things which we might not say facts for sure but have such strong logic, reasoning and a scientific basis that it is difficult to ignore them either.
The Prologue
Our purpose to put such information on this site which relates to metaphysics is not to spread sensational news or rumours but to incite the curiosity of everyone into the non-normal phenomenon which help to expand the mind and let the person know that life is much beyond our daily dose of thoughts, news, sadness, happiness, troubles and if viewed from the eagle’s eye perspective we can learn a lot more about the universe and its existence, which is ultimately linked to our own existence and that is the whole and common purpose of science and religion
One such phenomenon is that of a nuclear reactor which existed nearly 2k million years ago and that too in a region which we consider as one of the least developed continents of the world. Yes you guessed it right, I am talking of Africa.
The Background
Before going further let us throw some light on nuclear reactions. Basically any energy which is generated (or consumed) when the activity takes places at the level of the nucleus is known as a nuclear reaction. The strange scientific fact is that despite the minuscule size of nuclear components like electrons, protons and neutrons, the amount of energy released is immense and can be harnessed either to build nuclear reactors, engines or even bombs.
Building a nuclear reactor is a complex scientific and technological exercise and human have perfected this art (or it is believed so) only in the last century. So why wont you be considered mad if you say that a nuclear reactor existed nearly two billion years ago in Africa, but let us find out why some experts think so.
The Beginning of the Search
All was going in routine in French nuclear facility under the French Atomic Energy Commission where a technician reported some abnormal observation during routine Uranium analysis. The sample of Uranium which was under consideration was extracted from the Uranium deposits in a place called Oklo in Gabon country in Africa which is along the western coast of Africa near the countries of Cameroon and Congo Republic.
We will not go into the scientific details of the anomaly but it was sufficient to ignite interest of the entire western scientific community who were keen to check out what was the exact cause of the observation.
The Explanation
It is very easy for sensational news and gossips to spring up from such a discovery but we will only stick to the pure scientific analysis and the loopholes in the explanation. The scientists say that this has occurred due to a process known as natural fission which is similar to what we simulate in the nuclear reactors these days.
This is well said but there are few things which could not be explained:
- Natural phenomenon do not occur in such controlled ways and usually mega events like tsunamis, earthquakes, volcano eruptions of major scale produce immeasurable damage. The nuclear fission which is being dubbed as natural was very moderated and controlled which is improbable for a natural phenomenon to be self contained
- The conditions for such a reaction to occur are not found in nature for example one such condition is the existence of purest of the pure water which does not have a contamination of even of the order of part per million which is sufficient for the reaction to stop. the chances that such extremely pure water occurred in the wild are next to none
- Uranium never occurs in such a rich mixture in natural state that would lead to a spontaneous combustion and the normal concentration is 3% which is way too too low for the reaction to occur on its own
All the above things are accepted by the scientists as well and though this does not directly lead to a theory that either the human civilization or an alien civilization build these reactors, it does give sufficient food for thought. We can combine this with many other inexplicable things such as the Great Pyramids etc and they certainly point out to a civilization which was beyond our imagination.
We leave it to the readers to explore further and form their own opinions of the matter. Do send us your thoughts and feedback on the same