Holy Dip Cures Kidney Cancer

Holy Dip Cures Kidney Cancer
Where medicine and technology are reaching new heights every passing day, so are the diseases cropping up in new forms. One such disease which has been there since long and till now only partial cure is possible, is the deadly cancer. There have been news of treatment and healing from this condition through Faith Healing and one such recent incident was report last month (at the time of publication of this post). This is how the story goes as per DailySikhUpate“A woman by the name of Sunita Rawat says a dip in the Amritsar Sarovar at Sri Harmandir Sahib Ji cured her kidney cancer. Sunita is from Srinagar and had been suffering from kidney cancer for nearly a year.

She decided to visit Sri Harmandir Sahib and take a dip in the holy sarovar. She said while taking the dip she felt an electric current run through her and fainted.

Afterwards, she was taken to the hospital and treated for fever. The hospital tests showed no signs of cancer and she said it’s all due to ishnaan at the holy Sarovar. Sunita revealed the life changing event happened to her on March 25, 2015.

Holy Dip Cures Cancer

Holy Dip Cures Cancer

Dhan Guru Ram Das!”


Metaphysics Knowledge has quoted this incident as it is based on the given source.

It has been observed that faith does play a major role in healing as basically it is a mixture of strong will which comes from the universal will which can materialize matter and also de-materialize it. It might seem unscientific but this was exactly what was postulated by Dr Einstein in his theory of mass-energy equivalence which states that matter and energy can be interchanged.

Hence you can see the importance of positive thoughts which is positive energy which can materialize positive results. This science was known to the Rishees and Seers of ancient times and this was known as miraculous powers by common people. Jesus possessed similar powers and so did many other Saints.

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