Good relations are like the hands of a clock, dont meet often but connected they stay
For each one has his own path to follow, for each soul there is a unique way
Even that we call a lifetime of unity is just minuscule on the scale of the universe
Often people do not realize this, they consider it not a blessing but a curse
Yet the connection is of the mind, not the body, so say the wise and learned sages
This has been the truth even if we dont like it, no one has stayed for ages
So says the Bhagwad Gita, everything is temporary, so do not be said O soul
Just remember what is your ultimate destiny, remember what is your Divine goal
Yet this is not a selfish outlook, it is one of the most pious endeavours for a human
Only if we are connected to our own self, we can like the world, only then we can
A person who is seemingly disconnected from outside might have the strongest of connections
For it is the true bonding of eternal vibrations which is free from any defects or defections
So learn to go deep inside your own self, learn to dive deep, just learn just learn just learn
For it is the only thing you should be fully mad about, this is the only thing you should yearn
The path might be difficult, the way might seem long, yet it is worth the watch and wait
It is the only path to true glory, not with external world, but directly to the eternal gate