We have learnt about the power of sound and the mantras in a previous article. Although all mantras have their own special significance and can help in achievement of some desires like say the Sri Laxmi Pooja mantras for wealth, still some mantras are general in nature and hold the highest goal in mind, namely to rise above everything.
The Gayatri Mantra
Gayatri Mantra is one such pious mantra about which we will now discuss. This happens to be a vital part of vedic traditions and is used in many religious ceremonies. You must have heard or read the Gayatri Mantra somewhere or the other. We will take you through all the aspects of the same so that you can use it to improve your life and the life of those who are around you. Gayatri Mantra wordings are as follows:
Aum Bhoor Bhuvah Svah
Tat Savitur Varentam
Bhargo Devaso Deemahi
Dhiyo Yo Nah Prhodayaat
Gayatri Mantra Audio and Download
Before going further into its meaning we would like to inform our viewers that you can listen to a beautiful constant chanting of the Gayatri Mantra by clicking on the audio below.
You can also download this Gayatri Mantra audio mp3 totally free of cost from our Estore by clicking here
Click to Download Sri Gayatri Mantra
Literal Translation
When we translate this into English the same will be as follows:
It is a prayer to the supreme consciousness. This is the energy that protects the spiritual energies. It is so powerful that it can eliminate all pain and suffering. It is a tribute to the most powerful creative force that is all around us. This source is the best and is the most powerful of all. It is the most virtuous and must be respected with whole heart. It has the ability to clean our souls and improve our imperfections. It is the sum total of all the virtues and strengths that make up the universe.
We use this prayer as the medium to connect to this super power so that the power can enlighten us and take us ahead on our spiritual journey of life and beyond. This is a slight translation of the Gayatri Mantra so that you can understand the essence. Many people have more adaptations and interpretations of the Gayatri Mantra. However, most of these adaptations have the same point that we have mentioned in this article.
The Origins of Gayatri Mantra
All across the country of India the Gayatri Mantra has been used for years in different aspects of life. The Gayatri Mantra goes back to the Vedic times. It was originally mentioned in the Rig Veda in Sanskrit. The Gayatri Mantra finds place in many religious scriptures of the Hindus including the Bhagwad Gita.
The Gayatri Mantra was originally meant for the Brahmin males to recite. However, as time changed today even non Brahmins recite the same. Even women today have started to recite the Gayatri Mantra which is a great change in itself. You can also download the Gayatri Mantra and play it in your household.
The Gayatri Mantra is the eternal truth. When you recite the Gayatri Mantra you get the right knowledge. It is the right knowledge that can set you on the path of salvation and show you the truth path to success. It is so powerful that it can protect people from all calamities. It is said that the four Vedas originated from the Gayatri Mantra.
How Many Repetitions?
One can recite the Gayatri Mantra one hundred and eight times a day. This is considered to be a great way to do bhakti meditation. The Gayatri Mantra must be recited in the twilight. Some say that it must not be recited loudly. It should be done from within. When you recite the Gayatri Mantra you should do it from within. Do not start reciting the Gayatri Mantra under any pressure from anyone. This is very important to get the benefits of the Gayatri Mantra.
Some saints say that if you can recite the Gayatri Mantra for 1, 25,000 times it can bring Siddhi. We will now move on to discuss the various advantages of the Gayatri Mantra:
1. It has the power to cure many diseases. 108 times of the Gayatri Mantra early in the morning after bath can solve many health problems.
2. When you recite the Gayatri Mantra early in the morning facing the East direction it can improve memory and also increase concentration power. After you recite the mantra you must ensure that you keep your eyes closed and concentrate on the breath in and out process of your body. If you do this with sandal wood on your forehead then the results can be even better.
3. The Gayatri Mantra recitation can bring wealth too. Again this must be done 108 times a day. Ensure that you have yellow food when you do so. This can be done on every Thursday. Thursday is the day of goddess Lakshmi who controls wealth.
4. The Gayatri Mantra is powerful enough to do away with evil spirits. Many priests and saints use the Gayatri Mantra to bless a new home and ensure that the home is protected from evil spirits.
The Gayatri Mantra is recited at the time of birth. It is a part of the wedding rituals and also a part of the death ceremony. At birth it is chanted so that the child gets the knowledge to live his life better. At weddings the Gayatri Mantra is chanted to seek blessing from the supreme power. The death of a person leads to a new journey. This is exactly why chanting the Gayatri Mantra can lead him to a spiritual journey that will guide his soul even after death. It is a powerful mantra that can really make a significant difference in our lives and the life of all those who are associated with us.
Special Days for Recital
It may not be possible for you to chant the Gayatri Mantra on daily basis. However, there are some days when you can actually chant the Gayatri Mantra and this can bring you very good results:
1. Fridays are very good for the chanting of the Gayatri Mantra.
2. Navami and chaturdasi days are also auspicious for the recitation of the Gayatri Mantra
3. All the nine days of the Navratri can also be a good time to recite the Gayatri Mantra
4. On any full moon day if you can recite the Gayatri Mantra it can bring very good results.
Another very vital aspect of the on any full moon day if you can recite the Gayatri Mantra is the fact that it is a universal mantra. No matter what is your religion you can always recite the on any full moon day if you can recite the Gayatri Mantra and get the results that you are seeking for.
We hope that this article will help you to understand the essence of the On any full moon day if you can recite the Gayatri Mantra better and also enjoy its benefits. It is a mantra that can change your life so why not give it a try with full dedication.