Copper was extensively used in ancient times in countries such as India to make vessels. In this article we will discuss how copper utensils are very useful and water that is stored in copper utensils has the quality to kill many bacteria in our body. Even the scientists today agree that copper does have some very good qualities that is helpful for our health.
The Five Elements: Water et al…
The whole universe and the human body itself are made of five elements and they are fire, water, earth and air. Water is one of the elements that the human body is made of. Water has the ability to remember all that it has touched. This is exactly why our elders often tell us that we should not have water and food served by anyone. If we accept water or food from someone who has negative vibes automatically that negative vibe will come into us. This is one reason why only family members would serve food to other family members. You must have seen that all the prominent religious spots will have a water body or a river. It is belived that water can touch our soul and it has the ability to purify all our sins.
Even in temples you will see that a long queue is waiting just to get a drop of water. This water is precious and blessed. This water cannot be bought from the shops. Even a drop of this water can sooth your soul. The quality of the water can make it live giving and it can also make it a poison. If you store water in a copper utensil for a few hours the water will automatically absorb some qualities of copper.
Processed Water
Today the water we have goes through a lot of processing. As a result the water touches plastic, steel and a lot of different materials. As we already mentioned that water has the ability to remember the substances it came in touch with the negative vibes of all these materials will be present in the water as it reaches your house. To ensure that the water you are having is purified of all the negative vibes try to store it in a copper container for a few hours before you consume it. When you do so the water will get purified and all the negative vibes will leave it.
This water will be good for your liver. It will also be effective enough to kill the bacteria in your body. Apart from all these health benefits it will also help you a lot in become spiritually a stronger person. Especially when you are travelling you must always carry a copper utensil with you. This will ensure that the water you have is pure and good for your health.
We hope that this article will help you to understand how water must be stored in a copper utensil. Do ensure that you have a copper container to store water and ensure a better health for you and your family. These are some old theories that were followed in ancient times but with time people forgot them. You must have noticed that Sadhus or holy men/women are seen with kamandals which are also such vessels as shown in figure above. All these habits were very useful and they can still do wonders to our spiritual and physical health. Just try having water stored in a copper utensil for a few days and you will definitely be able to feel the difference.