
Courage Redefined

Courage Redefined

ये सिसकियाँ हैं क्यों रोती कौन इन्हें चुप कराये ये वक़्त क्या बदला, सब अपने हो गए पराये आंसुओं और सिस्किओं का है मेल बहुत पुराना इन दोनों का तो आपस में अच्छा खासा याराना दिल टूटे तो क्या हुआ कोई गम खोना मत पहचान ख्वाबों को कभी टूटने मत दो ये हौसले की उड़ान […]

The Ins and Outs of a Storm

The Ins and Outs of a Storm

When life seems like a struggle, everywhere there is a storm When peace seems like a dream, and strife is just the norm Remember that storms always come to teach you new things So accept with all humility whatever alongside it brings Do not let the light dim, do not let the passion within die […]

The Power of Faith and Prayers

The Power of Faith and Prayers

It is good to remember God but to know your powers is even better If you have that real belief, no amount of struggle makes you shatter Life is not always cool, not everything is served on a silver platter Only that much you will receive, that you write on life’s plain letter If you […]

The Rise and Fall of Faith

The Rise and Fall of Faith

Sometimes small incidents in life provide you with an entirely new perspective, provided you have the silence to listen inside. Today I am going to share a similar small but true story. As I rode on my bike from my office to home for lunch, I met a fragile old man who wanted a lift. […]

Infinite Patience: The True Faith

Infinite Patience: The True Faith

The world is always in a hurry, hardly has anyone got any time to spare They expect the same from the creator, who thinks of all, really does care Infinite patience is the hallmark of faith, so say the wise over the ages This is the wisdom of the learned, all the ancient rishees and […]