Palmistry- Introduction

Introduction to Palmistry

Palmistry is an ancient art which includes palm reading to judge the characteristics of a person and foretell the future of an individual. With some basic difference this practice is followed almost in all ancient cultures. Generally people who read palms are called palmist. The other names used for them are hand readers and chirologists.

Palmistry finds its root in Greece from the era of Aristotle and Alexander the Great. Aristotle observed that these hand lines are influenced by divine power. Alexander used this art to judge his officer’s character. Some people claim that the knowledge of palmistry was practiced in ancient India, Tibet, China, Persia, Egypt and some parts of Europe also. Although, modern palm readers often use knowledge of psychology and alternative healing methods to make predictions. Palmistry interprets person’s character and predicts future by reading person’s palm, its various mounts, lines, the color of skin, flexibility of the hand etc.

Right Hand Vs. Left Hand

A palmist usually starts with the dominant (right) hand, which he/she commonly uses for writing. It is believed that left hand is responsible for hereditary qualities while the right hand reflects the qualities a person achieve by his/her hard work and skills in this world. While some hand readers use right hand for men and left for women, others believe that the left hand shows person’s past and the right shows his future. It depends on palmist own cosmic belief.

The basic methodology of palmistry is rooted in Greek culture. As per the Greek culture every mount or finger is associated with a God and is said to represent characteristics associated with that God.

Depending upon what kind of palmistry is being practiced by a palm reader, parameters like size of the hand, texture of the skin, fingers, finger nails, lines, mounts, knuckles etc remain the same.

Types of Hands

Broadly, hands are divided into following types ——–

  • Earth Hand: These hands are broad, wide and square in shape. The skin texture is rough, coarse and ruddy color. Length of palm from wrist to the beginning of the fingers is as same as fingers length.
  • Air Hand: Air hands are square or rectangular in shape with dry skin and protruding knuckles. Length of the palm is equal to the length of the fingers.
  • Water Hand: These hands are somewhat short and have an oval shaped palm. The length of the palm is less than the width of the palm and almost same as length of the fingers. Fingers are long, soft and conical.
  • Fire Hand: Fire hands are of square or rectangular shape. Fingers are short and the palm is bigger than fingers. The palm is of pink color.

Lines: There are different lines on everyone’s palm and the following lines are given most importance by all palmist—-

  • Heart Line: This line is considered one of the most significant by a palm reader. It starts from the edge of the palm towards the thumb, below the fingers. This line is associated with emotional issues of the person.
  • Head Line: The head line starts under the index finger towards the outer edge of the palm. Palmists associate it with person’s mind and how it works. It shows a person’s analytical abilities.
  • Life Line: This line starts from the edge of the palm above the thumb and goes towards the downward edge of the hand near wrist like an arc. This line is associated with person’s physical health, accidents, relocation and injuries.

A palmist can judge person’s character by the combined length of these three lines also. If it is longer than person’s feet, it indicates adamant personality, if it is shorter person give in too easily in front of others and same length indicates a balanced personality.

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