
The Last Gospel: Did Jesus have a family?

The Last Gospel: Did Jesus have a family?

We have tried to discuss the many aspects of Jesus Christ’s life in many of our previous posts. Today we will discuss about the most controversial aspect of his life. There are indeed many mysteries that surround the life of Jesus. These mysteries are mainly because not much was written about his life when he […]

Way to Stop: DIY First

Way to Stop: DIY First

Whenever you eat meat, just remember this image of an innocent child Hope you have that much of a heart that at least it is shaken even if mild The child cries out for his mother, who might have already been eaten To stop this calf from crying, he is brutally tied up and badly […]

The Animal Farm

The Animal Farm

Humans have to learn a lot from the innocent animals so mature Even if they seem dangerous they are innocent, and very pure It is only to defend themselves they rarely or seldom bite Unlike humans who cut other throats just for a petty kite When people are busy forgetting humanity day by day Love […]

The Right Way to Face Tough Situations

The Right Way to Face Tough Situations

Life is not always a bed of roses but it has its ups and downs. The secret is to face these challenges to the best of our ability rather than being bogged down by them. Age does not matter at all in case but it is the determination of the person. This young lady lost […]

The Needles of A Clock Teach You Something

The Needles of A Clock Teach You Something

If we want to learn, everything is there to show us and teach Yet most of us do not want to learn, we just want to preach Even inanimate objects like needles of a clock signify this It is not always necessary to be together to experience bliss The needles of the clock hardly meet […]